瑞士多家银行都在其自动提款机上装有CIRRUS 或MAESTRO系统。瑞士其他众多银行的自动提款机都提供信用卡预付现金服务。建议您在到达瑞士之初随身携带少量现金,以应对一些即时支付项目,比如税款、城市交通费等。部分商店接受银联卡。


  • 货币


    了解更多 货币
  • Prices and quality of life

    Life in Swiss cities is quite expensive, but the quality of life is also correspondingly high. In this respect, Zurich and Geneva repeatedly come out on top in international studies. Prices vary depending on the area and tourist spots. For example,...

    了解更多 Prices and quality of life
  • 在瑞士退税


    了解更多 在瑞士退税
  • 营业时间


    了解更多 营业时间
  • Tipping

    In Switzerland, the guest is not obliged to tip. In many restaurants, however, it is customary to pay a tip. This amounts to approximately 10 percent or it is rounded up to a round amount.

    了解更多 Tipping