Foliage map
After all, it wouldn’t be autumn without colourful forests and vineyards! Switzerland’s foliage map shows where and when you can expect the forests to be at their most colourful. You can also find appropriate excursion tips and interesting information all about the golden autumn foliage. Set sail on a sea of colours!

The interactive map shows the current and predicted foliage colours throughout Switzerland. The map is updated twice weekly from early September to Mid November. The database consists of current data collected on drought, heat and precipitation. The forecast also takes into account data from the previous autumn and the extensive expert knowledge of the SRF Meteo team.
Overview map – When is a location at its most beautiful?
The overview map shows when the autumn colours are likely to peak and in which areas of Switzerland.
The four most important trees
Maples, birches, beeches and larches are particularly beautiful when they change colour and are seen most often in Switzerland. This is why they have been selected for the foliage forecast map by Switzerland Tourism and SRF Meteo.
In Switzerland, these are most commonly found in Valais, the Ticino mountain valleys and Graubünden (Engadin, Münstertal, Poschiavo). Larches grow primarily more than 1,400m above sea level, often on steep slopes. They need a generous amount of light to be able to thrive.
In Switzerland, this pioneer tree species, which needs plenty of light, is quite common in individual regions. They are most common on the southern side of the Alps. They are also common in some areas of the Alps, while they are rather rare in the Pre-Alps and the Jura. Birches grow predominantly on steep slopes and on acidic soils.
Sycamore maple trees are widespread in Switzerland and are particularly common in the Jura, in the eastern Swiss Plateau and in the Pre-Alps. Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich soil, they often thrive at altitudes of up to 1,700m above sea level at the foot of the slopes. Their light requirement is in the middle range.
Beech trees are the most common tree species in the Swiss Plateau and the Pre-Alps. The wide regional tolerance of these trees is limited by wet soils and by altitudes of 1,300m or more above sea level. Of course, there are no beech trees in Alpine valleys with little precipitation and a continental climate. Forests consisting of beech trees exclusively can be found in some parts of Ticino.