Blauburgunderland Panoramaweg
The hiking trail up in the heights that leads through the heart of Schaffhausen's Blauburgunderland. The route goes along a mountain ridge that extends to the southeast. The focus of this route is the Mediterranean-like views of the vineyards of Blauburgunderland.
A long love story connects Schaffhausen’s Blauburgunderland with its wine. Poring over the old manuscripts of the expert Roman winegrowers, the monks and nuns discovered viniculture and developed the art of winegrowing in Blauburgunderland. Today, Schaffhauserland is the largest contiguous winegrowing region in German-speaking Switzerland. Pinot Noir accounts for 70 percent of the vines. This variety likes a temperate and fairly cool climate: it should neither be too rainy nor too dry – exactly like the weather in Schaffhausen.
This high-altitude trail through the homeland of Pinot Noir begins on Siblingerhöhe hill. Via the highest point called Hammel, 616 m, past the hill farms, from St. Moritz’s, the mountain church, enjoy Mediterranean-like views of the vineyards far into the distance. See the Swiss Alpine panorama and towards the northwest, the mountain ranges of the south of the Black Forest. Dedicated to St. Maurice, this church was built on a mountain spur in 1491. Its elevated position makes it into a viewing pulpit for the Klettgau Valley, so it has also become the landmark of Hallau.
On Wilchingen mountain the Wilchingen Berghus, a stately farmhouse, awaits you. From here you walk through the vineyards down to Trasadingen, the end of the trail. This rural commune in the Lower Klettgau Valley is located on the German border. The centre of the village is well preserved, with some handsome houses.
Чтобы путешествие запомнилось вам исключительно приятными моментами, рекомендуем вам тщательно его спланировать. Просим вас заранее ознакомиться с маршрутом и погодными условиями. В определенный сезон и погоду эта дорога может стать непроходимой.
Начальная точка |
Конечная точка |
Перепад высот - Direction |
Flatland, One way
Подъем |
220 m
Спуск |
380 m
Протяженность |
14 km
Duration |
3 h 30 min
Duration back |
3 h 40 min
Уровень сложности |
Необходимая физическая подготовка |
Сезон |
круглый год
Theme |
По виноградникам, С панорамными видами
Category |
Hiking, Nature
Указатели |
В двух направлениях
Подробнее | |
Schaffhauserland Tourismus
Vordergasse 73
+41 (0)52 632 40 20
Quick Facts
Route number