The valley of the zip lines Riding the zip lines from Charmey feels almost like flying. Experience something new and unique – especially in winter, when the snow-covered fir trees make for an extraordinary backdrop. Find out more about: + The valley of the zip lines
Bains de la Gruyère Оригинальное и инновационное по своей архитектуре здание этого спа-комплекса удивительно гармонично вписано в окружающий ландшафт. Find out more about: + Bains de la Gruyère
Charme(y) Aventures Six courses of various levels of difficulty, ranging in height from 2 to 25 metres, can be completed by making use of climbing belts, sliding ropes and vines (lianas). Find out more about: + Charme(y) Aventures