Что посмотреть в Кран-Монтана

3 результатов найдено

3 результатов найдено

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3 результатов найдено
  • Five lakes trail

    The five lakes trail is ideal for cyclists, hikers and water activity enthusiasts. The trail passes through the Crans Montana resort and takes in five expanses of water, the unforgettable lakes of the Haut-Plateau de Crans-Montana
    Find out more about: + Five lakes trail
  • Colombire hamlet: Alpine farm and ecomuseum

    In the hamlet known as “Hameau de Colombire” on the edge of the popular Bisse du Tsittoret hiking trail, visitors can experience all the delights of mountain life and immerse themselves in the world of our ancestors.
    Find out more about: + Colombire hamlet: Alpine farm and ecomuseum