Osterhasen-Giessen Bread à porter AG Schoggi-Hase selbst machen für alle ab 8 Jahren! Find out more about: + Osterhasen-Giessen Bread à porter AG
Easter egg market Gerlafingen This year is the 35th Easter egg market in Gerlafingen. With many new exhibitors and things to admire and buy. There is also a coffee and cake corner to linger and enjoy. Find out more about: + Easter egg market Gerlafingen
Easter market in Rehetobel Spring atmosphere, market stalls and convivial get-togethers Find out more about: + Easter market in Rehetobel
Arts and crafts and Easter market Glarus Art market stalls around the town hall Find out more about: + Arts and crafts and Easter market Glarus
Spark Saturday Every third Sunday before Easter, large bonfires are piled up and lit in Appenzell and various villages around the canton's capital to drive away the winter. Find out more about: + Spark Saturday
Saisonabschluss-Brunch in der Madrisa-Alp Fine brunch at the end of the winter season. Find out more about: + Saisonabschluss-Brunch in der Madrisa-Alp
Bonfire Sunday (Funkensonntag) Immer am dritten Sonntag vor Ostern werden in Appenzell grosse Feuerstösse aufgeschichtet und angezündet, um damit den Winter zu vertreiben. Find out more about: + Bonfire Sunday (Funkensonntag)
A different kind of Easter egg! In our workshop you will learn the fascinating Ukrainian Pysanka technique - an artistic method of decorating Easter eggs with hot wax and dyes. Find out more about: + A different kind of Easter egg!
The great Easter adventure at the Mall of Switzerland SEARCH FOR LETTERS & WIN GREAT PRIZES! Find out more about: + The great Easter adventure at the Mall of Switzerland
International Easter egg exhibition at Greifensee Castle The Easter market, which takes place at the same time in the small town of Greifensee, provides a further splash of color with pretty gifts, handmade Easter decorations and local arts and crafts. Find out more about: + International Easter egg exhibition at Greifensee Castle
Easter fountains in the Vully – 10 years When the Vully precedes nature to color the region ... Find out more about: + Easter fountains in the Vully – 10 years
Easter market The Easter market in Kreuzlingen! With regional exhibitors, arts and crafts and food, Easter egg painting competition, bratwurst stand and fresh doughnuts Find out more about: + Easter market
Osterwerkstatt Komm mit deinen Freunden oder deiner Familie zum Ostereier-Bemalen ins Museum.BL! Find out more about: + Osterwerkstatt
Arbon Easter market Discover original Easter souvenirs at the Arbon Easter market. Find out more about: + Arbon Easter market
Easter exhibition in the Strohdachhaus Hüttikon Handmade & home-made, artistic, decorative, creative and culinary items. Children's flea market from 10:00 to 13:00, festival restaurant with fine specialties from the grill, coffee and cake. Find out more about: + Easter exhibition in the Strohdachhaus Hüttikon
Ostereiersuche im Dracolorium In the Easter egg hunt in the Dracolorium exhibition, young and old can prove their courage and search for Easter eggs. Successful hunters can choose their prize from a treasure basket. Find out more about: + Ostereiersuche im Dracolorium
Season End Party in Obersaxen Mundaun The Season End Party takes place in Kartitscha in the ski area. A cool festival restaurant run by the Obersaxen Ski and Sports Club and live party music ensure a great end to the season. Find out more about: + Season End Party in Obersaxen Mundaun
Traditional Easter market 2025 The traditional Easter market in Habkern is a must for young and old. Find out more about: + Traditional Easter market 2025
Die Häschenschule – Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei Familienfilm, empfohlen ab 7 Jahren, in Kooperation mit der Ludothek, die im Kult-X von 14 Uhr bis 16 Uhr ein Programm mit Malen, Basteln und Spielen zum Thema Ostern anbietet. Find out more about: + Die Häschenschule – Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei
Easter exhibition in the Strohdachhaus Hüttikon Handmade & home-made, artistic, decorative, creative and culinary delights. Festive catering with fine specialties from the grill, coffee and cake. Find out more about: + Easter exhibition in the Strohdachhaus Hüttikon
Sonntagsbrunch in der Brasserie La Mine Sonntagsbrunch in La Mine mit spannenden Aktivitäten! Find out more about: + Sonntagsbrunch in der Brasserie La Mine
Wanted: Das Osterei! Die grosse Ostereiersuche im Garten des Calvinhauses startet am Di, den 08. April zwischen 15-17 Uhr. Find out more about: + Wanted: Das Osterei!
Huttwil Easter egg market On Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26, the next edition of the Huttwil "Easter Egg Market" will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the middle of the town center. Find out more about: + Huttwil Easter egg market
Ostern im Museum Fort de Chillon Tauchen Sie während der Osterferien im Museum Fort de Chillon in die Geschichte und das Abenteuer ein! Entdecken Sie unsere interaktive Ausstellung und Workshops für die ganze Familie. Find out more about: + Ostern im Museum Fort de Chillon
Easter at Swissminiatur From 12 to 27 April, Swissminiatur turns into a magical Easter world, ready to welcome young and old for the most fun Easter treasure hunt! Find out more about: + Easter at Swissminiatur
Ostern im Bauernmuseum Häsin mit ihren Jungen, Hühner mit ihren Küken lassen sich während der Osterferien im Bauernmuseum nieder. Find out more about: + Ostern im Bauernmuseum
Ostereiersuche Château-d'Œx Gehen Sie während der Osterferien im Dorf Château-d'Œx auf Eiersuche und gewinnen Sie ein kleines Geschenk! Find out more about: + Ostereiersuche Château-d'Œx
Easter workshop - Hide and seek in the vegetable garden An unforgettable Easter afternoon at the Château de Prangins! Come and discover the surprises of the Potager! Maybe there are some eggs hidden there? Find out more about: + Easter workshop - Hide and seek in the vegetable garden
Pâkomuzé à l'Espace Horloger Divers ateliers et activités pendant les Fêtes de Pâques Find out more about: + Pâkomuzé à l'Espace Horloger
Osterhasen backen We bake an Easter bunny or an egg nest from braided dough. Find out more about: + Osterhasen backen
Easter in the House of Museums With chicks, workshops and the "Egg hunt in the museum" competition. Find out more about: + Easter in the House of Museums
Pak'en Vignes - Egg hunt, tractor ride, games and wine tasting in Gy At Easter, bring the whole family to Domaine de la Guérite for an egg hunt by tractor to the vineyards, followed by a wine tasting for adults and a creative workshop for children. Find out more about: + Pak'en Vignes - Egg hunt, tractor ride, games and wine tasting in Gy
Sunday brunch Spend time with your loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy a brunch buffet. Wouldn't that be the perfect Sunday experience in combination with a boat trip? Find out more about: + Sunday brunch
Easter fountain From April 13 to April 27, 2025, you can admire the beautiful and lovingly decorated fountains, which become Easter fountains during this time, on both sides of the Rhine. Find out more about: + Easter fountain
Make an Easter Bunny Hello Children How would you like to make your very own Easter Bunny? Find out more about: + Make an Easter Bunny