«BUTZEN, MUMMEN und OHNANSTÄNDIGE MASCARADEN GEHEN» Woher kommt dieser Brauch und welche Bedeutung hat er? Fastnacht ist die Nacht vor der Fastenzeit. Darauf deutet auch der Ausdruck «carne vale», Fleisch, lebe wohl! Find out more about: + «BUTZEN, MUMMEN und OHNANSTÄNDIGE MASCARADEN GEHEN»
Classic car meeting Vintage car meeting at Hotel Eden Spiez!!! Find out more about: + Classic car meeting
Feistä Frontag - Tschäggättu Loif Tschäggättu-Loif Find out more about: + Feistä Frontag - Tschäggättu Loif
Carneval Murten Deeply rooted in the population, Shrovetide has become an important social and economic event for the entire Lake Morat region and is appreciated throughout Switzerland. Find out more about: + Carneval Murten
Vereinigte Fasnachtsgesellschaften | Fasnachtsumzug "heb di fescht" Fasnachtsumzug aller drei Städte: Wien, Neuenburg und Adelburg Find out more about: + Vereinigte Fasnachtsgesellschaften | Fasnachtsumzug "heb di fescht"
Fasnachtsgesellschaft Muri-Neuenburg | Fasnachtsfeuer Neuenburger Tradition beim Neuenburgerplatz Find out more about: + Fasnachtsgesellschaft Muri-Neuenburg | Fasnachtsfeuer
Lily's winter treasure hunt The biggest treasure hunt in Switzerland in the snow Find out more about: + Lily's winter treasure hunt
Huttwil Easter egg market On Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26, the next edition of the Huttwil "Easter Egg Market" will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the middle of the town center. Find out more about: + Huttwil Easter egg market
Easter bunnies in Brienz The Easter bunnies are on the loose! Find out more about: + Easter bunnies in Brienz
Offene Weinkeller Spiez – Probieren, degustieren, diskutieren! Offene Weinkeller 2025 Find out more about: + Offene Weinkeller Spiez – Probieren, degustieren, diskutieren!
Craft Market In 1992, the Association de la Vieille Ville du Landeron decided to organise a craft market in the old town of Le Landeron. Find out more about: + Craft Market
Slow-up Solothurn-Buechibärg 2025 autofreier Erlebnistag Find out more about: + Slow-up Solothurn-Buechibärg 2025
Usestuehle - d`Spiezer Gwärbschou Usestuehle Spiez Find out more about: + Usestuehle - d`Spiezer Gwärbschou
55. Bernisch-Kantonales Jodlerfest Lenk & St. Stephan 55. Bernisch-Kantonales Jodlerfest Lenk 2025. Find out more about: + 55. Bernisch-Kantonales Jodlerfest Lenk & St. Stephan
Youth Festival “Solennität” The Youth Festival commemorates the 1476 Battle of Morat/Murten. The colorful Youth Festival features many activities and the finely decorated city fountains. Find out more about: + Youth Festival “Solennität”
Biel Braderie The legendary Biel summer festival par excellence! Every year it attracts around 100,000 visitors from near and far to Biel. Find out more about: + Biel Braderie
International Wood Sculpture Symposium Brienz 2025 Numerous wood sculptors demonstrate their skills on the shores of turquoise Lake Brienz on the Quai and Cholplatz. Find out more about: + International Wood Sculpture Symposium Brienz 2025
Pod'Ring The summer festival in Biel's old town is the cultural week of the region. The Pod'Ring invites laughter, dancing and enjoyment. In the afternoon, the square is a playground for young and old. Find out more about: + Pod'Ring
Fafleralp chapel festival followed by canteen service Fafleralp chapel festival Find out more about: + Fafleralp chapel festival followed by canteen service
1. August Merligen - Tausend Seerosen Kerzen 1. August-Feier Merligen Find out more about: + 1. August Merligen - Tausend Seerosen Kerzen
Grand Prix der Stadt Adelburg | Jubiläums-Seifenkistenrennen Seifenkistenrennen mit 3 Läufen Ein Rennen für die tollkühnsten Piloten der Nation - für die ganze Familie - mit tollen Preisen. Find out more about: + Grand Prix der Stadt Adelburg | Jubiläums-Seifenkistenrennen
Wiler church consecration with parade of the Herrgottsgrenadiere Wiler church consecration with parade of the Herrgottsgrenadiere. Find out more about: + Wiler church consecration with parade of the Herrgottsgrenadiere
Dorfmärit & Chilbi Ob Gross oder Klein, für jeden ist etwas dabei. Find out more about: + Dorfmärit & Chilbi
Spiez-Märit Traditioner Markt am Montag nach dem Spiezer Läset Fest Oberlandstrasse / Seestrasse Find out more about: + Spiez-Märit
Sichlete on the Bundesplatz On Monday, September 18, the traditional Sichlete will take place on the Bundesplatz! Find out more about: + Sichlete on the Bundesplatz
Antique Market The Brocante du Landeron is the biggest open-air antiques fair in Switzerland. It is held every year on the last full weekend in September. Find out more about: + Antique Market
Grindelwald Market The annual market along the village street Grindelwald. Come and see us! Find out more about: + Grindelwald Market
Martini Market The Martinimarkt is the oldest fair in Muri. It takes place every year on November 11th. Various exhibitors and traditional goods market. Find out more about: + Martini Market
Merliger Winter Magic Fair Merliger Winter Magic Market - Small but FEIN Find out more about: + Merliger Winter Magic Fair
Onion Market (Zibelemärit) The Zibelemärit is a traditional folk festival held on the fourth Monday of every November. Find out more about: + Onion Market (Zibelemärit)
Christmas Market Biel Every year, young and old alike are in a festive and meditative mood as the festive season approaches. Celebrate the festivities at one of the region's traditional St. Find out more about: + Christmas Market Biel
Chlouse-Märit Spiez Der Chlouse-Märit in Spiez ist ein traditionsreicher Weihnachtsmarkt in der Region Find out more about: + Chlouse-Märit Spiez
41st World Snow Festival Ice cold art in Eiger village Find out more about: + 41st World Snow Festival