

За сто лет здание отеля ничуть не утратило блеска и величия. Гости из разных стран по-прежнему восхищаются классическим убранством номеров, массивной лестницей, оригинальностью и элегантностью Waldhaus Sils. Отелем до сих пор руководят потомки его первых владельцев. Гурманы, дети, художники, любители природы и архитектуры – здесь каждый гость чувствует себя как дома.


An architectural landmark with a proud history (since 1908), five-star ranking, 140 rooms, 220 beds and a staff of 180, this is the very idea of a grand hotel. But there is more to it than what you see at a first glance. The Waldhaus is also playful and relaxed, and very open to families and children. It is luxurious, but not opulent, vibrantly alive, but comfortably old-fashioned. And it is quite large, but run on a very personal basis. This rare and enchanting mix reflects our fiercely guarded independence. The Waldhaus is still a true family affair without any outside shareholders or managers – something which has become exceedingly rare for a hotel of its size and class in Switzerland. It gives us a chance to do things a little differently, a fact we fully exploit.
7 miles from bustling St. Moritz in an unspoiled mountain village, a grand hotel with character and warmth, family owned and managed for four generations.
Events information
We have four pleasant and fully technically equipped rooms of 20 to 50 m² for smaller seminars. The Waldhaus Sils is located at 1,800 metres above sea level and three hours or so to the nearest big city. This ensures a particularly attractive setting for a work meeting, an incentive trip, a seminar or a conference.
Wedding information
Sils-Maria is a picturesque mountain village surrounded by glorious hiking trails, pistes and cross-country ski trails. The Waldhaus – a fairy-tale castle set amidst a world-famous landscape – towers majestically above it. The hotel is virtually a monument itself, given its long history, five stars, 140 rooms and 230 beds. But it is a living monument that is to be enjoyed! Relaxed and comfortable behind its imposing façade, shaped by the diverse nature of the people and generations who have worked and stayed there.

This text is provided and updated by the owner of the accommodation. Switzerland Tourism therefore takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.

Свадебные торжества

Sils-Maria is a picturesque mountain village surrounded by glorious hiking trails, pistes and cross-country ski trails. The Waldhaus – a fairy-tale castle set amidst a world-famous landscape – towers majestically above it. The hotel is virtually a monument itself, given its long history, five stars, 140 rooms and 230 beds. But it is a living monument that is to be enjoyed! Relaxed and comfortable behind its imposing façade, shaped by the diverse nature of the people and generations who have worked and stayed there.

Swiss Historic Hotel

Легендарный отель Waldhaus, где дух прошлого со временем только усиливается, в 2005 году был удостоен звания «Исторический отель года. Со времени основания отель находится в управлении одной семьи. Интерьеры этого величественного здания не менялись с 1908 года – года постройки. Неизменное восхищение гостей отеля вызывают массивная лестница, роскошные залы и большое разнообразие просторных и удобных номеров.

Certified by ICOMOS

Исторический отель года 2005 Отель Waldhaus – приметное здание среди заросших лесом склонов. Он был построен в период между 1905 и 1908 годами по чертежам знаменитого санкт-морицкого архитектора Карла Коллера, специализировавшегося на постройке гостиниц. После пожара 1927, который частично уничтожил внутреннее убранство отеля, интерьеры были отреставрированы и с тех пор оставались неизменными. Снаружи здание, выдержанное в строгом стиле, не настолько поражает воображение, как внутри – вы, несомненно, оцените ненавязчивую роскошь залов и салонов отеля. Во внутренней отделке – много оригинальных отлично сохранившихся элементов, при этом новые предметы декора не стилизуются под старину, а подчеркивают современность линий и форм. Со времен постройки здесь сохранились еще две уникальных детали интерьера: хрустальные люстры и механическое пианино Вельте-Миньон. Отель находится под управлением одного семейства со дня основания. Приверженность историческим традициям, сохранение великолепных интерьеров со старинной мебелью, особое внимание к благополучию гостей по сей день являются философией отеля. Waldhaus – прекрасный образец настоящего швейцарского гостеприимства.

Деловые встречи и мероприятия

We have four pleasant and fully technically equipped rooms of 20 to 50 m² for smaller seminars. The Waldhaus Sils is located at 1,800 metres above sea level and three hours or so to the nearest big city. This ensures a particularly attractive setting for a work meeting, an incentive trip, a seminar or a conference.


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Основные правила бронирования
Summer: DR 182–745 p.p./BB Winter: DR 185–420 pp/BB open: from 13.12.2024 to 22.04.2025
closed: from 23.04.2025 to 05.06.2025

Удобства и услуги

  • Luggage Service
  • Underground car park
  • Private car parks
  • E-Charging Station
  • Wi-Fi - free
  • Bar
  • Terrace
  • Indoor play area
  • Creche
  • Childrens Playground
  • Tennis court
  • Garden
  • Pets welcome
  • Very quiet location
  • Bike friendly


  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Outdoor pool
  • Whirlpool or Jacuzzi
  • Gym
  • Sauna
  • Steam bath
  • Whole body and partial body massage
  • Hairdresser

Способы оплаты

  • American Express
  • Maestro
  • PostFinance Card


Как добраться

Standing on a hill above the village, the Waldhaus luckily has plenty views: rooms face east (to Lake Silvaplana and Piz Corvatsch), north (to the meadows and Sils), south (to the Fex valley) or west (to Lake Sils). Nowadays, west and south rooms are in high demand, and hence have a surcharge. Our ancestors thought differently and made the main facades face east and north. The hotel operates a shuttle service to the centre of the village (and in winter, of course, to the skiing area as well) and offers all its guests free passes for the public buses to the neighbouring villages. Our summer and fall rates include a bus pass with even wider validity, as well as the free use of all cable cars and lifts in the region! From June to October, our guests will also find an experienced hiking guide at their disposal for advice and ideas as well as for leading free guided hikes in small groups.


Room "Chasté"

Seminar 10
Room height
Area 25 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone available
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Room "Fex"

Concert 60
Seminar 30
Room height
Area 70 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Room "Grevasalvas"

Concert 35
Seminar 20
Room height
Area 54 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Room "Sunny Corner"

Concert 60
Seminar 24
Banquet 45
Room height
Area 90 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone available
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Room "Chalanda Marz Saal"

Concert 170
Seminar 60
Banquet 90
Room height
Area 157 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone available
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Room "Margna"

Seminar 10
Room height
Area 25 m2
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Room picture

Откройте для себя окрестности


Hotel Waldhaus Sils
Via da Fex 3
7514  Sils / Segl Maria

Phone  +41 (0)81 838 51 00
Fax +41 (0)81 838 51 98
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Hotel Waldhaus Sils
Via da Fex 3
7514 Sils / Segl Maria
Телефон  +41 (0)81 838 51 00
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Туристическая информация: Силс