

Название отеля Berghotel Trübsee говорит само за себя: расположенный недалеко от озера и окруженный горами, он находится на полпути от Эйдельберга до горной станции Титлис, а потому добраться до него можно только на гондольном подъемнике. В летний сезон туристов особенно привлекают красивые пешеходные тропы и игровые площадки прямо на берегу озера, а в зимнее время – самый широкий выбор лыжных трасс для катания. Ну а когда последняя гондола опускается к подножью горы, звездное небо и поразительная тишина этого места принадлежат исключительно постояльцам Berghotel Trübsee!


The Alpine Lodge Trübsee is located at 1800m above sea level and surrounded by a magnificent mountain landscape. From Engelberg, the Alpine Lodge Trübsee is only reachable by cable car. Within 10 minutes you reach the hotel with the new TITLIS Xpress. The hotel with its 37 new renovated rooms from single to family rooms is prefect for anyone wishing to experience the mounts of Central Switzerland in all their glory. During winter you can be one of the first skiers on the slope and during summer you are easily ready for your hike. In the evening – after the other guests and skiers left – you can enjoy the quietness of the Alps during the included 4-course dinner and a night cap at the cozy hotel bar.
The 8-seater gondola TITLIS Xpress brings you from the Valley Station Engelberg to the Alpine Lodge Trübsee. The ride takes 10 minutes. Last cable car up from Engelberg: 4.30 p.m. First cable car down from Trübsee: 8.30 a.m. By car Follow the A2 (Basel-Gotthard) and take the Stans Süd exit. Drive 20 km along the main road to Engelberg. Head for car park 2 or 3 at the TITLIS Cableways valley station. Report to our parking attendant so that you can be assigned a space. Parking charge at the TITLIS valley station: CHF 5 per day By train Travel directly from Lucerne to Engelberg on the "Zentralbahn" railway. Travel time: approx. 45 minutes from Lucerne. There is a free public bus from the train station to the Titlis Valley Station.
Events information
Ideally located next to the slopes at 1800 metres above sea level, the ride to the hotel takes only 12 minutes with the new gondola. It is situated right next to the lift station (The last lift leaves the TITLIS valley station at 4.30 p.m.). Thanks to the peaceful mountain setting and the new rooms at Trübsee Alpine Lodge, you can escape the hustle and bustle and devote all your attention to the seminar. The seminar room in Trübsee Alpine Lodge has space for up to 45 people. The hotel features 37 renovated rooms, a home cinema, self-service restaurant, sun terrace and a bar.

This text is provided and updated by the owner of the accommodation. Switzerland Tourism therefore takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.

Typically Swiss Hotel

Построенный в конце девятнадцатого столетия, отель Hotel Trübsee значительно вырос с тех времен и был адаптирован под потребности своих гостей, не утратив при этом свой оригинальный характер. На высоте 1800 метров над уровнем моря гости отеля смогут обнаружить к своему удовольствию уютные деревянные гостиные и бар в местном деревенском стиле, особенный альпийский шик, воплощенный в декоративных стенах из камня и шкурах коров, а также элегантный ресторан с канделябрами, где гостей по вечерам потчуют лучшими деликатесами Центральной Швейцарии. Для удобства постояльцев в отеле также расположены сауна и небольшой кинотеатр.

Деловые встречи и мероприятия

Ideally located next to the slopes at 1800 metres above sea level, the ride to the hotel takes only 12 minutes with the new gondola. It is situated right next to the lift station (The last lift leaves the TITLIS valley station at 4.30 p.m.). Thanks to the peaceful mountain setting and the new rooms at Trübsee Alpine Lodge, you can escape the hustle and bustle and devote all your attention to the seminar. The seminar room in Trübsee Alpine Lodge has space for up to 45 people. The hotel features 37 renovated rooms, a home cinema, self-service restaurant, sun terrace and a bar.

Swiss Lodge


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2-мест. номеров

Удобства и услуги

  • Luggage Service
  • Private car parks
  • Wi-Fi - free
  • Panoramic view
  • Bar
  • Childrens Playground
  • Non smoking hotel
  • Very quiet location
  • Bike friendly


  • Sauna

Способы оплаты

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro
  • PostFinance Card
  • Union Pay



Berghotel Trübsee

Banquet 250
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available


Banquet 120
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone available
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment on request


Banquet 70
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone available
  • Projection facilities available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment on request

Lago Torbido

Banquet 120
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities on request
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Terrasse Berghotel Trübsee

Concert 250
Seminar 80
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone not available
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available

Trübsee Bar

Concert 80
Room height
  • Free Wi-Fi available
  • Microphone on request
  • Projection facilities not available
  • Simultaneous translation equipment not available
Seminar package without overnight stay 85 CHF
3 course dinner 25 CHF

Откройте для себя окрестности


Berghotel Trübsee
Bergstation Trübsee
6390  Engelberg

Phone  +41 (0)41 639 50 92
Fax +41 (0)41 639 50 93
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Berghotel Trübsee
Bergstation Trübsee
6390 Engelberg
Телефон  +41 (0)41 639 50 92
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Туристическая информация: Энгельберг