A lista à esquerda leva diretamente aos pontos correspondentes desta página.


Firstly, along the Klöntalersee reservoir surrounded by steep rock faces. A decent to Glarus then follows - From the dam of the artificial lake through a narrow valley with steep rock faces and imposing boulders lapped by the bubbling Löntsch waters.

Detour / Closure

There are detours or closures along this route, for more information see https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe29.03


Hinter Klöntal, surrounded by mountains, is a delightful place at the upper end of Klöntal Lake. The natural lake at an altitude of 848 m is only three square kilometres in size and was formed by a landslide. The wetlands at the mouth of the River Klön are of national importance. A lovely path leads from Hinter Klöntal along the shore to Seerüti on the other side of the lake. Motorized traffic is not permitted on the first section of the road. The northern peaks of Mutteristock and Schijen, and Mürtschenstock to the east are mirrored in the smooth water. A variety of pleasant spots along the shore are perfect to grill your lunch and rest your feet.

Through the narrow rock passage near Bärentritt the path later leads to a group of rocks, which is called the Gessner memorial. It was created by nature and dedicated to Salomon Gessner (1730-1788), a poet and painter from Zurich, in 1788 by two admirers, although it is somewhat doubtful whether they really meant to honour Gessner or if they intended to immortalize themselves. Be that as it may – when the story was published in 1789, the Klöntal Valley gained instant fame.

The no-driving zone ends after the bridge and the path changes to a gravel road. Almost two hours have passed by the time you reach the small damn at the end of the lake. The damn has been used to generate electricity since 1908. Now the downhill section begins. The trail meanders along the Löntsch down to Chohlgrüebli. After a canyon-like passage the landscape opens up near Staldengarten. Cross the Allmend to get back to civilization in and around Glarus, the smallest capital of all Swiss cantons. This rather short leg ends a little while later at the railway station.

Uma experiência memorável exige planejamento cuidadoso. Recomendamos que você procure o posto de informações local para saber sobre as condições atuais do trecho e a previsão do tempo antes de sair. Conforme a época do ano e as condições climáticas, essa rota pode estar fechada ou interrompida.

Dados técnicos

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Local de partida
Hinter Klöntal
só ida
Altitude (metros acima do mar)
1000 metros acima do mar
180 m
560 m
14 km
3 h 35 min
Duração da viagem no sentido oposto
4 h
Exigências técnicas
Exige condicionamento físico
Melhores épocas do ano
Maio - Outubro
ao longo da água
Mais informações https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe29...



Schwyz - Glarus

Todas as etapas

  • Pragelpass-Weg, Etapa 1/3

    Schwyz - Muotathal
  • Pragelpass-Weg, Etapa 2/3

    Muotathal - Hinter Klöntal
  • (página ativa e atualizada)

    Pragelpass-Weg, Etapa 3/3

    Hinter Klöntal - Glarus


Cartão SchweizMobil para caminhada: Ambiente não acessível para pessoas com necessidades especiais.


Número da rota

Etapa: 3/3


14 km


3 h 35 min


180 m

Informações de viagem: Glarus