Percurso do Mont Châteleu
Visão geral
It is (hopefully) only cross-border in sporting terms: the challenging snowshoe hike from "Siberia of Switzerland" to France. From La Brévine, the route climbs over snow-covered pastures, through secluded fir forests and up to Mont Châteleu for some long-distance views.
With minus 41.8 °C, La Brévine hit the Swiss frost record in 1987, which is why the farming village in the Jura is also known as "Siberia of Switzerland". From the village centre, the trail starts off heading north, straight across the pastures to the forest. After reaching the first trees in Chobert, the route climbs uphill, quite steeply through the fir trees, continuing towards Vieux Châteleu on the other side of the French border. From here, the summit is still about an hour away.
Initially, the trail follows the edge of the woods before plunging into the depths of the secluded forest. Across the snow-covered pastures, we soon reach the vantage point on Mont Châteleu (1,300 m.a.s.l.). A great 360-degree panorama awaits us on the Jura mountain ridge: to the north we can see the Val de Morteau, to the east the peaks of Uri, to the south the Alpine chain and to the west the French massifs.
The return route follows the same course, except for a section of just under 1 km right after the national border. If you feel like it, you can stop at the historic inn Auberge du Vieux Châteleu just before the border to warm up. This is followed by the last forest section, which ends back in La Brévine.
Uma experiência memorável exige planejamento cuidadoso. Recomendamos que você procure o posto de informações local para saber sobre as condições atuais do trecho e a previsão do tempo antes de sair. Conforme a época do ano e as condições climáticas, essa rota pode estar fechada ou interrompida.
Local de partida |
La Brévine
Destino |
La Brévine
Subida |
380 m
Descida |
380 m
Distância |
9 km
Duração |
4 h
Exige condicionamento físico |
Tema |
No cume de uma montanha
Sinalização |
Signalisation in both directions
Mais informações | |
Neuchâtel Ski de Fond
Clos Roghon
La Brévine
+41 (0)32 935 13 34
Número da rota