
Museum Haus Konstruktiv is the leading institution for constructive concrete and conceptual art in Switzerland. It is located in the former Unterwerk Selnau building, which is one of the most prominent pieces of industrial architecture in Zurich.

The centrepiece of the collection is Fritz Glarner’s Rockefeller Dining Room from 1963/64. This walk-in work of art was created according to his concept of “relational painting” and is unique testimony to modern interior design. The designer Alfredo Häberli conceived a new interior design for the room in 2016.

What makes the Museum Haus Konstruktiv so unique within the Swiss cultural landscape is its many temporary exhibitions, of which there are between six and nine every year. With the aim of highlighting the connecting lines between the pioneers of constructive concrete and conceptual art and of international contemporary art, the exhibitions bring renowned as well as new and rediscovered historical works of art together in a dialogue with the expressions of today’s contemporary artists.

In parallel with the exhibitions, there are regular artists talks as well as lectures and workshops. The museum also runs a specialist library and has an exquisite museum shop as well as an attractive café.

Informações gerais

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Endereço para contato
Museum Haus Konstruktiv
Selnaustrasse 25
8001 Zürich
044 217 70 80

Informações sobre grupos e preços

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Outros preços (a partir de)
Regular: CHF 18,00
Estudantes, AHV, IV: CHF 12,00
Bilhete familiar: CHF 24,00
Jovens (até aos 18 anos): Entrada gratuita
As visitas guiadas e os eventos especiais estão incluídos no preço de entrada no museu

Informações sobre reservas

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Zürich Selnau: S-Bahn

Descobrir o que está ao redor


Museum Haus Konstruktiv
Selnaustrasse 25
8001  Zürich

Telefone  +41 (0)44 217 70 80
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Região de Zurique
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Museum Haus Konstruktiv
Selnaustrasse 25
8001 Zürich
Telefone  +41 (0)44 217 70 80
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Horário de funcionamento

Durante as exposições: Ter/Qui/Dom: 11h00 às 17h00 Quarta: 11h00 às 20h00 Segunda-feira fechado

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