Visão geral

  • Data

    05. abril 2025

    Sab 12:00
  • Contato

    Bergbahnen Obersaxen Mundaun
    Schnaggabial 10
    7134 Obersaxen
    Telefone  +41 81 920 50 70

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The Season End Party takes place in Kartitscha in the ski area. A cool festival restaurant run by the Obersaxen Ski and Sports Club and live party music ensure a great end to the season.

The Season End Party takes place in the Kartitscha in Obersaxen. Big Easter egg hunt with great prizes. A cool festival restaurant run by the Obersaxen Ski and Sports Club and the "Party Helden" band will ensure a great end to the season.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Informações sobre o evento

Mostrar conteúdo Informações sobre o evento
Localidade Bergrestaurant Kartitscha
7134 Obersaxen
Event Homepage
Estas notícias são veiculadas pelas agências de turismo regionais/locais, e a Schweiz Tourismus não assume nenhuma responsabilidade pelos conteúdos publicados.

Datas de eventos

  • sábado, 5 de abril de 2025

Descobrir o que está ao redor


Bergbahnen Obersaxen Mundaun
Schnaggabial 10
7134  Obersaxen

Telefone  +41 81 920 50 70


05. abril 2025

Sab 12:00


Bergbahnen Obersaxen Mundaun
Schnaggabial 10
7134 Obersaxen
Telefone  +41 81 920 50 70

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