
The Abbey of St. Gall has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1983, and has plenty of impressive treasures just waiting to be discovered in its library, vaulted cellar and new exhibition hall.

With the “Entire Abbey” combined ticket, you can admire all three exhibitions, including the original map of the Abbey of St. Gall from the 9th century, which is being displayed as an original for the very first time.

The map of the abbey is the earliest preserved visualisation of a monastic compound produced in the Middle Ages. It is thought to have been drawn up sometime between 819 and 826 in the monastery of Reichenau on Lake Constance, and is in the possession of the Abbey Library of St. Gall.

The combined ticket is CHF 18 for adults, and CHF 12 for students and apprentices. For children aged under 16 accompanying their parents, entry is free of charge.

Informações gerais

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Estação de
O ano todo
Tempo necessário
De 1 a 2 horas
Adequado para
Famílias, Grupos, Individual, Casais
Indoor e outdoor
Cultura, Urbano

Informações sobre grupos e preços

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Preço a partir de
CHF 18
Outras informações More information


St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus
Bankgasse 9
9001  St. Gallen

Telefone  +41 (0)71 227 37 37
Fax +41 (0)71 227 37 67
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St. Gallen
Suíça Oriental / Liechtenstein
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St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus
Bankgasse 9
9001 St. Gallen
Telefone  +41 (0)71 227 37 37
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Informações de viagem: St. Gallen

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