Freiberge / Saignelégier
Um platô levemente ondulado a uma altitude de 1.000 metros acima do nível do mar, caracterizado por amplas pastagens, florestas de abeto e pinheiro, assim como singulares fazendas caiadas, com seus celeiros e quartos albergados sob o mesmo teto: estas são as Montanhas de Freiberg, do Jura.
Covering an area of 200 square kilometers, the Freiberg Mountains, known for their harsh climate, were settled at a relatively late date, reluctantly. In order to attract more inhabitants, the prince-bishop who was in power in 1384 introduced a charter that freed all inhabitants from taxes and interest on their cleared land. This is the origin of the name Freiberge ("Free Mountains").
Even though these special rights ended in 1792, the Freiberg Mountains are still the ideal destination for excursions for those who love freedom. Bicycle tours, horseback rides, hikes, covered wagon rides, snowshoe hikes, cross-country skiing or dogsled riding - the Freiberg mountains are just the right place for all these activities. The main town in the Freiberg mountains is Saignelégier. The moor lake "Étang de la Gruère", which is well worth visiting, is nearby.