Stare miasta

42 Results Znalezione

42 Results Znalezione
42 Results Znalezione
  • Zamek w Thun

    The medieval castle above the town of Thun is a striking focal point at the entrance to the Bernese Oberland region. This almost completely preserved symbol of power contains the Knights' Hall, one of the few surviving halls of its type from the Middle Ages.
    Find out more about: + Zamek w Thun
  • Helmhaus Zürich

    The Helmhaus is located on the right-hand banks of the River Limmat in Zurich’s old town. Its temporary exhibitions reflect the lively art scene in Switzerland.
    Find out more about: + Helmhaus Zürich
  • Market square and town hall

    This splendid building on the market square was built in various stages between the 16th and 19th centuries and is still today the seat of the government and Parliament of the canton of Basel City.
    Find out more about: + Market square and town hall
  • Biel/Bienne old town

    The old town area of Biel/Bienne is a real gem. With its mediaeval buildings and squares, pretty shops and culinary specialities, this magical district is full of surprises and tasty treats. Whether architecture, culture, history or gastronomy – the old town scores high for variety. Biel is also the largest bilingual city in Switzerland. Here, the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland become one.
    Find out more about: + Biel/Bienne old town
  • Ratusz

    W końcu XV w. miasto Zug wzbogaciło się po zwycięstwie w wojnach burgundzkich. W mieście wybudowano ratusz w stylu gotyckim w latach 1505 - 1509.
    Find out more about: + Ratusz
  • Cultural highlights in Aarau – old & new 

    Aarau has long been a hidden gem for those in the know when it comes to culture: in addition to its picturesque old town, Aarau impresses with notable historic buildings and surprises with exciting combinations of old and modern architecture.
    Find out more about: + Cultural highlights in Aarau – old & new 
  • Exploration of medieval Fribourg

    The intact walls surrounding the city and over 200 unique Gothic facades impart incomparable mediaeval charm to Fribourg. The old town is best explored on foot, like an open-air museum.
    Find out more about: + Exploration of medieval Fribourg
  • Old Town Chur

    The old town of Chur, the oldest city in Switzerland, combines history with modern flair. Between small alleyways, the castle, the cathedral and lively markets, it offers cozy cafés and numerous boutiques.
    Find out more about: + Old Town Chur
  • Dzielnica opacka St.Gallen

    W St. Gallen historia doświadczana jest na każdym kroku. Symbolem miasta jest dzielnica opacka z barokową katedrą, która w 1983 roku razem z biblioteką i archiwum miejskim została wpisana na Listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.
    Find out more about: + Dzielnica opacka St.Gallen
  • Old City of Vevey

    The old city of Vevey is dotted with historical monuments and museums bearing witness to its rich heritage. In addition, a large variety of boutiques and craftsmen can be found in the narrow paved streets, displaying their know-how and wares.
    Find out more about: + Old City of Vevey
  • Grossmünster

    Grossmünster jest ewangelicko-reformowanym kościołem na zuryskiej starówce i jednym z symboli miasta. Istniejący do dziś kościół romański powstał ok. 1100 roku i od tego czasu wielokrotnie był przebudowywany i restaurowany.
    Find out more about: + Grossmünster
  • Piazza della Riforma

    Piazza della Riforma in Lugano is the vibrant center of the city, surrounded by historic buildings, cafés and restaurants. Cultural events take place here and the square is the ideal starting point for exploring sights such as Lake Lugano and Parco Ciani.
    Find out more about: + Piazza della Riforma
  • Basel Old Town

    As you stroll through the old town of Basel, one of the most intact and beautiful in Europe, you’ll be amazed at its unparalleled architectural diversity.
    Find out more about: + Basel Old Town
  • Bern Cathedral

    The Bern Münster Cathedral of St. Vincent is the most impressive late-Gothic building in the city and the largest and most important late medieval church in Switzerland. From this highest church tower in Switzerland you may admire a magnificent view.
    Find out more about: + Bern Cathedral
  • Rhine Circular Trail

    The Rhine Circular Trail leads from the Alte Rheinbrücke to the new hydroelectric power plant and then back on the other side of the Rhine. Along the way, hikers can learn about the 900-year history of bridges and settlements, while enjoying the diverse fauna and flora along the Rhine.
    Find out more about: + Rhine Circular Trail
  • Most Kapliczny i Wieża Wodna

    Jako symbol Lucerny uważany jest najstarszy kryty most w Europie. Wybudowany został w XIV wieku i początkowo był częścią miejskich umocnień obronnych. W XVII wieku ozdobiono go tablicami przedstawiającymi sceny z historii Szwajcarii i miasta.
    Find out more about: + Most Kapliczny i Wieża Wodna
  • Musegg Wall

    The Water Tower, Chapel Bridge and Musegg Wall dominate the historical skyline of the city of Lucerne. However, the best view of the lake basin can be enjoyed from the path that runs along the Musegg Wall.
    Find out more about: + Musegg Wall
  • Zamek Chillon

    Na skale przy brzegu Jeziora Genewskiego znajduje się zamek Chillon. Wodny zamek jest najczęściej odwiedzanym historycznym budynkiem w Szwajcarii. Prawie przez cztery stulecia zamek Chillon był siedzibą i oficjalnym posterunkiem celnym Sabaudczyków.
    Find out more about: + Zamek Chillon
  • Shopping in Solothurn

    If you like to spend your time shopping in a small, beautiful town, Solothurn in the perfect place for you! Wherever you turn, you'll find smart shops and small boutiques that invite you to browse their wares.
    Find out more about: + Shopping in Solothurn
  • Zytturm

    Ta atrakcja Zug ma 52 m wysokości i wznosi się ponad innymi wieżami miasta. Dolna część została skonstruowana jako proste przejście przez najstarszy w mieście mur. Hans Felder snr. z Bawarii, budowniczy kościoła Św. Oswalda nadzorował budowę wieży w latach 1478 - 1480.
    Find out more about: + Zytturm
  • Fraumünster Church

    Located on the west bank of the Limmat, the Fraumünster Church with its green steeple is one of Zurich's most prominent landmarks. Particularly renowned are the glass windows by Marc Chagall and Augusto Giacometti.
    Find out more about: + Fraumünster Church
  • The nightwatch

    The bell tower of the Gothic cathedral, high on the hill on which the Old Town is built, is home to the city’s most enigmatic resident.
    Find out more about: + The nightwatch
  • Starówka w Bernie

    Dzięki rozległej, doskonale zachowanej średniowiecznej starówce Berno zostało wpisane w 1983 roku na Listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.
    Find out more about: + Starówka w Bernie
  • Twierdza Munot i starówka

    Starówka w 171 wykuszami i kunsztownie pomalowanymi fasadami budynków, a wśród nich miejska twierdza, w której strażnik od 1377 roku dba o porządek. Wizyta w Szafuzie to podróż w czasie.
    Find out more about: + Twierdza Munot i starówka
  • Le Funiculaire – perełka

    «Funi» (funiculaire, kolejka linowo-szynowa) prowadząca w dół do fryburskiej dzielnicy położonej w zakolu rzeki Saane jest «perłą technicznej sztuki inżynierskiej». Została także wpisana do rejestru narodowych zabytków. Od 1899 roku ta nostalgiczna kolejka jest w ruchu - bez spalin.
    Find out more about: + Le Funiculaire – perełka
  • Collegiate Library

    The St. Gallen Collegiate Library is one of the oldest libraries in the world. It is the heart of the abbey district and immerses you in history with its large baroque hall and valuable manuscripts.
    Find out more about: + Collegiate Library