알프스 거구지와 작은 마을들이 있는 매혹적인 알프스의 문화와 자연 지대를 지나 심플론파스(Simlponpass) 고개의 남측 면을 내려가 심플론(Simlpon) 마을에 닿게 된다. 거의 대부분 슈톡칼퍼베그(Stockalperweg) 트레일을 따라가면 된다. 심플론 마을에는 심플론 고개에 대한 역사 박물관이 있다.
트레일 정보
The stage starts out on a barren, rugged high plateau at an altitude of 2,000 metres. Numerous lakes are scattered between imposing peaks on the Simplon pass plain. A detour to the Simplon Eagle is well worth the effort. At its feet, you can admire the Bernese alps to the north and the Fletschhorn to the south. The imposing hospice is also more visible here. It was commissioned by Napoleon and is still run by the canons of the Great St. Bernard.
The trail leads through the plain past small streams running between rocks and a richly varied flora.
Passing the observatory, the descending trail winds its way down along pleasant stone steps. Two prominent buildings now come into view in the barren landscape. The "Old Spittel" was completed in 1666 and the Barral house, 120 metres long but only seven metres wide, in 1924. The Immensee Missionary Society opened it as a holiday home for aspiring priests from all over the world. Both buildings are nowadays used by the army.
A narrow path leads downhill through the rocky landscape and the sparse larch forest. Passing underneath overhanging cliffs, the trail continues to Engiloch. The path is flanked by dry-stone walls, the small Chrummbach stream and the covered pass road. At Maschihuis, the original stone mule track is still well preserved. The wide valley floor between the huge, barren mountain slopes is a quite impressive sight.
Between the hamlet of Egga and the village of Simplon, the break-off of the Rossboden glacier in 1901 left a fifty-metre-high layer of debris and ice. Today, the large boulders are overgrown by a lovely larch forest. Shortly after passing the forest, the village of Simplon appears. Due to its houses made of stone, it has an almost Mediterranean character. The stage ends at the Hotel Post, at a distance of 31 kilometres from both Brig and Domodossola.
In the village of Simplon, the Ecomuseum is dedicated to the natural environment and its historical context. The museum is housed in a building that dates back to the 14th century. With its wooden ceilings and thick walls, visitors are taken directly into the past, back to the first flight over the alps by the Peruvian Geo Chavez, for instance.
즐거운 여행에는 신중한 계획이 꼭 필요하다. 경로 및 기상 조건에 대해 지역 정보 센터에서 미리 확인해 보자. 계절 및 기상 조건에 따라 코스가 막혀있거나 중간중간 끊겨 있을 수 있다.
출발지 |
목적지 |
심플론 도르프
고도에 따른 분류 - 방향 |
알프스, 일방
고도(해발) |
1700 m
오르막 |
90 m
내리막 |
620 m
거리 |
9 km
소요시간 |
2 h 20 min
되돌아 갈 때 소요 시간 |
2 h 55 min
난이도 |
체력 수준 |
시즌 |
6월 - 10월
테마 |
파노라마 뷰, 고개를 넘어
자세한 정보 | https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe90... |
Quick Facts
Route number