트랜스 스위스 트레일
The route follows paving of the old mule track to the pass of passes. Vast variety of colourful Alpine flora. The striking ventilation plant of the Gotthard road tunnel is like a music pavilion. At pass head, interesting museum on post-coach times.
트레일 정보
If you wish to travel to the Gotthard Pass the way they did in the times of the legendary Gotthard stagecoach in the mid-19th century, book a trip with the old, five-horse post coach. Or go even further back in time and choose the footpath. The muleteers transported their goods on this route as far back as the 13th century. At that time, the Gotthard Pass became one of the most important Alpine crossings. Who knew that traffic congestion on the Gotthard was problematic even then? Nowadays cars are held up in traffic jams before they get to the tunnel, but for hikers the way is clear.
A comfortable flat trail leads through the romantic Urseren Valley between Andermatt and Hospental. Along the Reuss and past the Alpine golf course of Andermatt you reach Hospental, the last stop before the path begins to climb. The town benefited from the busy traffic in the olden days as the many inns and the old customs station show. From now on it takes stamina: the route climbs from 1450 m to 2107 m at the top of the pass. It first follows the old post coach road of 1830. On the historic mule trail (marked as a mountain hiking trail) you feel taken back in time, as landscape and vegetation become more and more Alpine, more spectacular. Between Gamssteg and Mätteli you cross mountain pastures, while the road traffic rolls on. The ventilation system on top of a knoll is an indication of the road tunnel directly below it. Near Brüggloch you cross the border between Uri and the Ticino. On the last section of the path the transportation routes of three eras come together: the age-old mule trail, the old road of 1830 across the pass and the new road, which is protected against falling rocks. The path leads through a moor landscape with a wide variety of Alpine flora.
Shortly before the top, on your right you see the huge dam looming at the Lago di Lucendro reservoir, the source of the Gotthard-Reuss. After about 4 hours of walking you finally reach the destination. The Gotthard Pass is swarming with mountain bikes, motorcycles and cars. Time for a break at one of the small lakes or maybe a visit to the national St. Gotthard Museum. It tells the story of muleteers and mailmen, while Museum Sasso San Gottardo shows the underground tunnels of one of the largest World War II defence systems.
즐거운 여행에는 신중한 계획이 꼭 필요하다. 경로 및 기상 조건에 대해 지역 정보 센터에서 미리 확인해 보자. 계절 및 기상 조건에 따라 코스가 막혀있거나 중간중간 끊겨 있을 수 있다.
출발지 |
목적지 |
Passo del S. Gottardo
방향 |
오르막 |
780 m
내리막 |
120 m
거리 |
13 km
소요시간 |
4 h
되돌아 갈 때 소요 시간 |
3 h 20 min
난이도 |
체력 수준 |
시즌 |
6월 - 9월
테마 |
고개를 넘어, 파노라마 뷰
자세한 정보 | https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe2.... |
Quick Facts
Route number