

Leisurely over the rolling hills of the Fribourg Mittelland. Shady forest sections interchange with open asphalted village sections. The confluence of the Saane and Sense rivers is a near-to-nature experience.

Detour / Closure

There are detours or closures along this route, for more information see https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe2.08

트레일 정보

The town of Murten on the German-French language border is the starting point of this rather short hike to Laupen. The lakeside promenade is delightful, the view over lake Murten, the Mont Vully hills and the Jura mountain range behind is magnificent. Leaving the residential area and passing a school complex, the path enters a small wood. Then you hike along vast expanses of farmland with views over the fields towards the lake and the Jura, followed by the Galm forest, which you cross all the way to Liebisdorf. Did you know why the Galm state forest is quite unique? It is the property of the State of Fribourg and forms its own geographical municipality, but without inhabitants.

Having now been on the road for over two hours, a few minutes later you reach the lovely Auried nature reserve. For 30 years it was nothing but a gravel pit in a former loop of the Saane river. When the material was removed, dry sandbanks, clay pools, cool backwaters and impenetrable shrub willows re-emerged - all typical habitats of the natural floodplain. Depending on the season, you can listen to the frogs' concerts here.

The Saane river meanders through the valley, sometimes calmly, sometimes rushing. Thus, trees are uprooted and gravel islands are removed so that they can reappear somewhere else. The river forms new side arms and swamps the floodplain forest. The power of the water creates a mosaic of the most diverse habitats; the floodplains are therefore the landscapes with the greatest variety of species in Europe. Only a few minutes later, you can admire the impressive confluence of the Sense and Saane rivers. The entertaining hike ends at the railway station in Laupen, with its castle enthroned on a sandstone cliff.

즐거운 여행에는 신중한 계획이 꼭 필요하다. 경로 및 기상 조건에 대해 지역 정보 센터에서 미리 확인해 보자. 계절 및 기상 조건에 따라 코스가 막혀있거나 중간중간 끊겨 있을 수 있다.

기술 정보

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280 m
240 m
15 km
3 h 45 min
되돌아 갈 때 소요 시간
3 h 45 min
체력 수준
자세한 정보 https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/wanderland/etappe2....


트랜스 스위스 트레일

포렌트루이 - 멘드리지오
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모든 구간


SwitzerlandMobility Map: This element is not accessible for disabled people.

Quick Facts

Route number

구간: 8/32


15 km


3 h 45 min


280 m

여행 정보: 무어텐

판매 중인 상품

  • Region Murtensee, 무어텐 무어텐 호수의 미식 투어

    The tour is aimed at all those who enjoy cycling through an impressive natural landscape and want to...
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