On Prodalp at Flumserberg sledge riders can ride very fast. Nevertheless: for the panoramic view to the mighty summits of Churfirsten it is worth to break shortly.
트레일 정보
Already during the mountain ride with the 12-seat gondola they can be watched: the sledge riders, who are gliding directly below around the curve – and sometimes also land in the snow. The sledging track on Prodalp is daily prepared and is located at an own track route, away from streets and skiing slopes. Thus the sledge riders can race through the winter landscape without interruptions.
The entrance is located directly next to the mountain station of the gondola. First the track leads relaxingly over Prodalp lined by snow-clad firs, before it is getting steeper in the middle part. In one sharp curve or another sledge riders can prove their skills.
Practically during the entire ride the sledge riders can enjoy the impressive mountain range of Churfirsten on the other side of Walsensee.
즐거운 여행에는 신중한 계획이 꼭 필요하다. 경로 및 기상 조건에 대해 지역 정보 센터에서 미리 확인해 보자. 계절 및 기상 조건에 따라 코스가 막혀있거나 중간중간 끊겨 있을 수 있다.
출발지 |
Flumserberg, Prodalp
목적지 |
Flumserberg, Tannenheim
내리막 |
360 m
거리 |
2 km
난이도 |
자세한 정보 | |
Heidiland Tourismus AG
Flumserbergstrasse 196
+41 (0)81 720 18 18