
The Mission Astrophone Escape Game transforms Neuchâtel into a mystery trail, allowing game fans to discover the heart of the city in an entertaining way.

In this Escape Game, a mission of the utmost importance awaits: Neuchâtel must be saved! Former telephone booths act as puzzle stations where tricky tasks are solved. By doing so, players will be able to collect a series of clues that are crucial for saving the city. During the roughly three-hour “Mission Astrophone”, players can discover Neuchâtel in an entirely new way. Team spirit and logical thinking will be called upon here.

The urban Escape Game can be enjoyed in groups, with family and friends or as a team-building outing, and is available in French and German. Reservation is required.

During the game, there is ample opportunity to take a break and enjoy a coffee, an aperitif or a meal in one of the many restaurants in the city centre.

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소요 시간
2~4 시간 (반일)
적정 어린이 연령
14세 이상
적정 이용자
가족, 그룹

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주변 명소


Tourisme neuchâtelois
Hôtel des Postes
2001  Neuchâtel

Phone  +41 (0)32 889 68 90
Fax +41 (0)32 889 62 96
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유라 & 세 개의 호수 지역
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Tourisme neuchâtelois
Hôtel des Postes
2001 Neuchâtel
Phone  +41 (0)32 889 68 90
경로 표시

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여행 정보: 뉴샤텔

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