Whether typically Swiss, Italian, Asian or other exotic culinary delights: You can find it all in Switzerland. Regional cuisine is wide and varied. Masterful local chefs create new ways to present traditional treats. Some gain international acclaim with edible artworks based on simple country fare. You just can't go wrong eating out in Switzerland. There's a match for every taste and budget.

Food and drink
If variety is the spice of life, Swiss food truly presents a flavourful platter. Regional cuisine is wide and varied. Masterful local chefs create new ways to present traditional treats. Some gain international acclaim with edible artworks based on simple country fare. You just can't go wrong eating out in Switzerland. There's a match for every taste and budget.

Meal times
Lunch is usually served between noon and 2 pm, and even a little earlier at some restaurants. Dinner is usually served from 6 pm to 9.30 pm. Many restaurants and pubs, especially in the cities, also offer continuous (11 am-10 pm) hot dishes.

For vegetarians and vegans
Eating vegetarian or vegan is not a problem - either eat at a designated vegetarian or vegan restaurant or select individual dishes on the menu.

Tipping: Not a must, but gladly seen
In Switzerland, the guest is not obliged to tip. In many restaurants, however, it is customary to pay a tip. This amounts to approximately 10 percent or it is rounded up to a round amount.

What does a meal cost in Switzerland?
Usually, the most affordable way to eat at lunchtime is to order the "menu of the day". This usually consists of a starter (soup or salad) and a main course. In the evenings there are partially defined menus, which are slightly cheaper than if you select freely from the menu.
An "à la carte" main course costs between 20 and 50 francs. If you are after something more affordable, try snack bars or restaurants located in department stores (e.g. Migros, Coop, Manor).

Eating in Switzerland
The food in Switzerland is a potpourri of influences from various countries. It combines the cuisines of its neighbours and creates from them a local cuisine with local ingredients.
Typical Swiss food

  • 電圧とプラグ

    日本の標準電圧はAC100Vですが、スイスの標準電圧は他のヨーロッパ諸国と同じく230V/50 Hz. です。日本の電化製品を使用する場合は、変圧器を用意する必要があります。ただし海外でも変圧器なしで使えるように自動電圧切替式(110V~240V対応)の製品も多いので、まずは確認してみましょう。...

  • スイスの祝祭日

    日本とは考え方もルールも全く異なります。スイス連邦が定めた国民の祝日は建国記念日だけです。法定祝祭日はカントンごとに、1年に8日まで自由に制定できることになっています。全国共通になっている元日とキリスト昇天祭、クリスマスのほか、キリスト教に由来する祝日で通例として休日になるものを含めると下記のようになります。   2019年 2020年...

  • 飲料水・衛生

    スイスはどこでも極めて清潔なので衛生面の問題はありません。とくに水の国といわれるスイスの飲料水は、アルプスの源泉または地下水からの天然水が80%を占めており、水質には厳しい基準・審査があり、水道水でも問題なく飲むことができます。 ミネラルウォーターも日本に比べ安く、全国的に流通しているもののほか、地元を中心に流通するローカルなミネラルウォーターもあります。ミネラルウォーターはガス入り(ガス強めと弱め)とガスなしがあるので、お好みでどうぞ。...

  • 電話・郵便

    電話をかける スイスには現在、公衆電話はありません。ご自身の携帯電話またはレンタルした海外用携帯電話、あるいはホテルの電話などをご利用ください。 スイスでは最先端の4Gおよび5Gネットワークでほぼ全国民をカバーする携帯電話が普及しています。通信事業者の大手としては、スイスコムSwisscom、サンライズSunrise、サルト Salt...

  • 無線LAN:ネット・モバイル通信


  • Smoking policy

    Since 1 May 2010, smoking has been forbidden in Switzerland in enclosed areas when they are open to the public or serve as a workplace for more than one person. Hence it is forbidden to smoke in restaurants, public buildings and offices. Smoking is...

  • Alcohol and tobacco

    Alcohol is sold in supermarkets. The age limit for the purchase of wine and beer is 16 years, and 18 years for high-proof alcohol. There is no nationwide minimum age for the purchase of tobacco in Switzerland. Depending on the canton, the minimum age...

  • 緊急・情報ダイヤル

    緊急ダイヤル:   117 警察   118 消防   144 救急車   1414 特別救助隊(レスキュー隊)   情報ダイヤル:   1811 一般情報サービス(医者、劇場、映画など)    162 天気情報   163 道路情報   187 雪崩情報   ※その他の電話番号はオンライン電話帳で検索できます。 www.local.ch

  • 時差


  • Sports

    Mountain climbing/hiking Both hikers seeking relaxation and experienced mountain climbers find their ideal holiday destination in the Swiss mountains. Good equipment is necessary and the weather forecast should always be studied. Hiking...

  • ドローン撮影

