その土地の伝統的な食文化や食材を見直す運動やそうしたローカルな特産品を欧米では「スローフードSlowfood」ともいいます。もともと1989 年にイタリアで提唱されたコンセプトで、協会は日本を含め、現在160カ国に広がっています。伊語で砦を表す「プレシディオ(英語でプレシディア)」として、とくに消滅の危機に瀕している食品をサポートする活動があり、固有の地域と生態系の保護、伝統的な加工技術の継承、動物や植物の在来種の促進に取り組んでいます。

Alp Sprinz AOP
アルプ・スブリンツ Alp Sbrinz AOPは、中央スイス地方伝統のスブリンツチーズの中でも、アルプ(山上の放牧地)で夏の間、放牧している牛から搾乳したフレッシュな生乳からつくられるもので、昔ながらの製法にこだわった厳格な基準に従って製造されている。スブリンツチーズが文献に登場したのは16世紀のことだが、古代ローマに輸出されていたチーズと特徴が似ていることから、スイスで最も古いチーズと考えられている。
Churer Beinwurst
Cicitt delle valli del Locarnese
The history of Cicitt sausages is closely intertwined with that of goats in the valleys around Locarno. The sausages get their intense aroma from an ancient recipe and can be several metres long.
詳細をみるBlack bee
The black bee is a Swiss honey bee and was the only European bee breed to reclaim the habitat north of the Alps after the Great Ice Age. In collaboration with Pro Specia Rara, the marketing of honey focuses on a specific breed of bee for the first time ever.
詳細をみるFarina bóna
Farina bóna, or “good flour”, is a traditional corn flour produced in the Onsernone Valley, not far from Locarno. The flour’s distinctive flavour comes from roasting the corn and fine milling the toasted kernels. Historically, farina bóna was mixed with water or milk making a porridge, to which berries or wine were added.
詳細をみるFurmagin da Cion
In the local dialect of Val Poschiavo in the very south-east of Switzerland, the pig is called “il cion”. And a “furmagin” is a meat pie. In the past, each family made its own furmagin during the Metzgete feast. The pâté, made from pork, is baked in the oven and can be eaten hot or cold.
詳細をみるTraditional walnut oil
Local walnut oil is produced in the village of Sévery in Vaud. The dried walnuts are shelled in a traditional mill, the Moulin de Sévery, crushed, roasted and then pressed into a strongly fragrant oil. The canton of Vaud accounts for 90% of all Swiss oil and nut production.
Mascarplin is a typical product of Val Bregaglia. It is a matured Ziger soft cheese, which is made from goat’s milk. This ripened ricotta is also called “mascalpel” in the upper part of the valley. The goat farmers produce small quantities of the speciality each spring and autumn.
詳細をみるPaun sejel Val Müstair
Paun sejel is a Swiss bread from Val Müstair, which is traditionally made from indigenous Graubünden rye. The sourdough bread is typical for the region and is produced by only one baker in the valley.
詳細をみるChantzet du Pays d’Enhaut
Chantzet is the typical sausage of the Pays d’Enhaut. A traditional blood sausage with sliced white cabbage, pork and various spices. This artisanal product is now made by only two butchers in the canton of Vaud – and completely by hand.
詳細をみるUr-Roggenbrot AOP rye bread from Valais
Ur-roggenbrot AOP rye bread from Valais is made exclusively with rye flour, water and salt. The sourdough bread is a dark brown, compact, long-lasting product. Hard and crispy on the outside, moist on the inside with a characteristic sour taste. It goes well with meat and cheese, as well as with desserts.
詳細をみるToggenburg goat
This ancient breed of goat bears the name of the eponymous valley in the canton of St. Gallen. The breed was kept in the region from the 18th century onwards and is characterised by its adaptability and hardiness. For centuries, the animals contributed to the sustenance of the poorest families in the region.
詳細をみるTraditional Emmentaler
In the Emme valley, the traditional Emmentaler AOP cheese is produced according to ancient methods. The world-renowned tangy cheese is made using raw milk from local farmers whose cows graze in meadows. One wheel can weigh 100kg and matures for at least 12 months.
詳細をみるVacherin Fribourgeois AOP from raw milk
Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP is a true local Fribourg product. It is produced exclusively in the Alpine and village cheese dairies of the canton. Vacherin is appreciated as a dessert cheese as much as in traditional fondue. Only 2% of production is made from raw milk.
詳細をみるZincarlin dala Vall da Mücc
Zincarlin dala Vall da Mücc is a fresh cheese made with raw milk from Ticino. It comes from the Valle di Muggio and is very complex to produce. The cheese is aged for one to two months in cellars typical to the Monte Generoso massif.
詳細をみるSwiss Brenzerkirsch
Brenzerkirsch is a distillate made from small and medium-sized black sweet cherries from tall trees. The name Brenzerkirsch is used by fruit growers and distillers for the old varieties of cherry. These are intended exclusively for the production of schnapps and are not suitable for the fruit bowl.
詳細をみるDamson landscape in the Table Jura
The damson landscape in the Table Jura is unique. The narrow valleys and wide plateaus with their tall trees are home to old varieties of damsons. This subspecies of the plum is processed in the region to make jams, chutneys, dried fruit and many other products.