Marisa Merz. Listen into the room Marisa Merz (1926–2019) was one of the leading figures of the post-war Italian art scene, and closely associated with the Arte Povera group, the only woman to be so. 詳細をみる: + Marisa Merz. Listen into the room
Wunderkammer - The Display Collection A walk through the new display collection provides insight into current collection activity, modern research methods, and historical collections. 詳細をみる: + Wunderkammer - The Display Collection
Cantonale Berne Jura 2024 Originating from the tradition of regional Christmas exhibitions, the Cantonale Berne Jura makes an important contribution to regional and national art promotion. 詳細をみる: + Cantonale Berne Jura 2024
Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung Ein chronologischer Überblick über Klees künstlerisches Schaffen. In einem Raum werden jeweils kleinere Fokusausstellungen mit inhaltlichem Bezug zu Paul Klee und seinem Werk gezeigt. 詳細をみる: + Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung
Forgotten by luck. Forced welfare measures in Bern and Switzerland The exhibition focuses on five affected people, born between 1894 and 1963, and invites visitors to immerse themselves in their stories. 詳細をみる: + Forgotten by luck. Forced welfare measures in Bern and Switzerland
Le Corbusier. The order of things To mark its 20th anniversary, the Zentrum Paul Klee is dedicating a major exhibition to the Swiss-French artist-architect Le Corbusier. 詳細をみる: + Le Corbusier. The order of things
Kahnweiler & Rupf. A Friendship Between Paris and Bern The exhibition casts light on the Rupf Collection with particular reference to a friendship in extraordinary times. 詳細をみる: + Kahnweiler & Rupf. A Friendship Between Paris and Bern
Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog Barry, the most famous rescue dog in the world, died 200 years ago but remains a legend to this day. 詳細をみる: + Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog
BEA 2024 BEA Bern is an exhibition for agriculture, trade and industry and the largest spring fair in Switzerland. 詳細をみる: + BEA 2024
Bern Grand Prix One of the most important running events in Switzerland. What began in 1982 with 3,139 registrants has developed into a street run with over 30,000 participants. 詳細をみる: + Bern Grand Prix
9. Nationaler Pärke-Markt Ansprechende Stände mit kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten aus allen Regionen der Schweiz und dazu Handwerk, Musik und Kunst: Der 9. Pärke-Markt auf dem Bundesplatz in Bern hat so einiges zu bieten. 詳細をみる: + 9. Nationaler Pärke-Markt
Fokus. Cover Star Klee Why do so many - hundreds, if not thousands - of books on twentieth-century philosophy, psychotherapy or critical theory feature Paul Klee's art on their covers? 詳細をみる: + Fokus. Cover Star Klee
39. Schweizer Frauenlauf Bern "A run for women, a celebration for everyone!" 詳細をみる: + 39. Schweizer Frauenlauf Bern
Rose Wylie. Flick and Float Rose Wylie. Flick and Float presents the nonconformist and fascinating work of the British artist Rose Wylie (b. 1934). 詳細をみる: + Rose Wylie. Flick and Float
Buskers Bern Dance, laugh, love! For three days, street artists from all over the world turn Bern’s Old Town into a colorful hustle and bustle. 詳細をみる: + Buskers Bern
Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE Beachtour - Basel Barfüsserplatz | 19.07. - 21.07.2024 - Highest beach volleyball tournament series in Switzerland - Street Food Beach Park - Partner stands - FREE ENTRY 詳細をみる: + Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE Beachtour - Basel Barfüsserplatz | 19.07. - 21.07.2024
Kirchner × Kirchner In 1933, the Kunsthalle Bern organized the largest retrospective during Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's lifetime. 詳細をみる: + Kirchner × Kirchner
Sichlete on the Bundesplatz On Monday, September 18, the traditional Sichlete will take place on the Bundesplatz! 詳細をみる: + Sichlete on the Bundesplatz
Fokus. Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt) Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt, 1912 in Hamburg-1994 in Caracas, Venezuela) was a German-Venezuelan artist and pioneer of abstraction in Latin America. 詳細をみる: + Fokus. Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt)
Suisse Caravan Salon Suisse Caravan Salon is the largest and most diverse exhibition in Switzerland for caravanning and camping. 詳細をみる: + Suisse Caravan Salon
Anni Albers. Constructing Textiles Anni Albers (1889–1994) is one of the most important figures in the art and design of the 20th century. 詳細をみる: + Anni Albers. Constructing Textiles
World Cheese Awards In November 2025, the cheese world comes together for the first time in Switzerland, the land of cheese. And Bern - as host of the World Cheese Awards 2025 - becomes the Capital of Cheese par excellence for three days. 詳細をみる: + World Cheese Awards
Onion Market (Zibelemärit) The Zibelemärit is a traditional folk festival held on the fourth Monday of every November. 詳細をみる: + Onion Market (Zibelemärit)
Santarun Bern Alleys full of Santas, mulled wine instead of isotonic drinks and raclette instead of bananas - the Bern Santarun is anything but an ordinary run. 詳細をみる: + Santarun Bern
Berner Stadtfest A festival by Bern for Bern: During the "Bärner Stadtfescht", the alleys and squares between the railway station and Nydeggbrücke are transformed into a colourful festival mile. 詳細をみる: + Berner Stadtfest