No fear sweat before welding No fear of welding. Under expert guidance, you can gain your first welding experience in the workshop. Ardez, Chasa Crusch 117 (lower entrance). 詳細をみる: + No fear sweat before welding
Dsischtig Jass yr Chrona Was gehört zur Schweiz wie Berge, Schoggi und Schnee? Jassen! 詳細をみる: + Dsischtig Jass yr Chrona
Swiss Press Photo 24 <strong>Swiss Press Photo 24 - The best Swiss press photos of 2023</strong> The photographs cast a glance beyond the clamour of current events and reveal the whole of 2023. 詳細をみる: + Swiss Press Photo 24
Knitting & wool swap at ROXY goes even further! grab your knitting needles if you have them and any wool/yarn you want to swap and lose yourself in the universe of knitting with music and cocktails. 詳細をみる: + Knitting & wool swap at ROXY goes even further!
Exposition photographique - "Une Rafale des Racines" Du 6 mars au 7 septembre 2025, Alan Humerose présente "Une Rafale des Racines". Une fascinante série photographique au cœur des légendes et des ruines végétales. 詳細をみる: + Exposition photographique - "Une Rafale des Racines"
Joan Miró - Everything is poetry. Würth Collection In this compilation, Joan Miró's works provide insights into the artist's life and work and point to a wide range of influences. 詳細をみる: + Joan Miró - Everything is poetry. Würth Collection
Avant-première "La Cache" de Lionel Baier Avant-première en présence du cinéaste. Une comédie avec Dominique Reymond et William Lebghil et Michel Blanc dans son dernier rôle. 詳細をみる: + Avant-première "La Cache" de Lionel Baier
AVALanche" exhibition The Musée des Ormonts has reopened with its new "AVALanche" exhibition! This exhibition marks the 40th anniversary of a long series of major avalanches in Les Ormonts. 詳細をみる: + AVALanche" exhibition
Ängel uf Umwäge Eine Himmlische Komödie in drei Akten von Claudia Gysel, Regie: Manuela Glanzmann 詳細をみる: + Ängel uf Umwäge
Set up for writing - Thomas Mann and his study At the center of the newly designed permanent exhibition is Thomas Mann's famous desk, which also accompanied him in exile. 詳細をみる: + Set up for writing - Thomas Mann and his study
Behind closed doors This tour will give you an insight into everyday life in an elegant patrician mansion in Basel and you'll find out more about its somewhat strange inhabitants. 詳細をみる: + Behind closed doors
Bad Ragaz free walking tour Find out how Bad Ragaz went from a farming village to a world-class health resort. 詳細をみる: + Bad Ragaz free walking tour
Ballett Wir unterrichten Ballett nach der Methode der Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) entschieden, weil diese eine saubere Ballett-Technik vermittelt und damit auch dem talentierten Kind eine berufliche Laufbahn offen steht. 詳細をみる: + Ballett
Bauklötze – spielend Welten erfinden Spielerisch fördern Bauklötze Fantasie und Feinmotorik, räumliches Denken und Problemlösung, aber auch Geduld. Spielstationen laden dazu ein, zu bauen und sich die Welt (be-)greifbar zu machen. 詳細をみる: + Bauklötze – spielend Welten erfinden
Basler Stadtmarkt The city's largest and most traditional fresh produce market is a matter of the heart for regional producers. Here, people still know each other by name. 詳細をみる: + Basler Stadtmarkt
Photographic walk: "History and anecdotes" Following the success of its first photographic walk during the winter of 2023-2024, ADVAT presents its second edition. 詳細をみる: + Photographic walk: "History and anecdotes"
BA-Théâtre · Promo N: Présentation des travaux de Bachelor Les étudiant·es de 3e année du Bachelor Théâtre, promotion N, vous invitent à la présentation de leurs travaux de Bachelor, créé en autonomie, en solo ou à plusieurs. 詳細をみる: + BA-Théâtre · Promo N: Présentation des travaux de Bachelor
Bacharia Alpina – the alpine meat craft A voyage of discovery into the centuries-old alpine dried meat craft 詳細をみる: + Bacharia Alpina – the alpine meat craft
Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog Barry, the most famous rescue dog in the world, died 200 years ago but remains a legend to this day. 詳細をみる: + Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog
Bacchus and Co. - Wine at Lake Constance An exhibition on the theme year "Wine on Lake Constance". 詳細をみる: + Bacchus and Co. - Wine at Lake Constance
Böcklin encounters Alongside Hans Holbein the Younger, Arnold Böcklin is one of the patron saints of the Kunstmuseum Basel, which houses the most important collection of his works with over 90 paintings and sculptures. 詳細をみる: + Böcklin encounters
TrenInn - Rätselspass auf der Engadiner Kulturlinie Hop-on/Hop-off: Nach diesem Motto lernen Sie während der RhB-Fahrt mit dem «TrenInn» die Engadiner Kultur spielerisch kennen. 詳細をみる: + TrenInn - Rätselspass auf der Engadiner Kulturlinie
BOUCHRA KHALILI Bouchra Khalili works across various media, with a focus on film and video, to explore suppressed historical moments of collective emancipation and imagine new ways of belonging. 詳細をみる: + BOUCHRA KHALILI
5th CISM Winter Military World Games Switzerland will host the 5th CISM Winter World Military Games from 23 to 30 March 2025 under the motto ‘Military Champions for Peace’. 詳細をみる: + 5th CISM Winter Military World Games
BoulimyComedyJeudy Du stand-up! Dans un vrai comedy club! Tous les mois!. Devenu un véritable phénomène, le standup compte de plus en plus d’adeptes en Romandie. 詳細をみる: + BoulimyComedyJeudy
Trommelkurs mit afrikanischen Djemben Vielfältige Rhythmen mit afrikanischen Djemben. 詳細をみる: + Trommelkurs mit afrikanischen Djemben
At a gallop: Horses in the Swiss Armed Forces Exhibition including recent paintings by artist Henry Althaus 詳細をみる: + At a gallop: Horses in the Swiss Armed Forces Von „nur“ atmen bis dynam. Körpertraining. In Gruppen (od.Therapie) Ressourcen fördern entspannen, Stress abbauen, regenerieren. Lebensbalance aktiv & bewusst gestalten. 詳細をみる: +
Talking Heads & Glowing Facts 150 Jahre Bürgergemeinde Zug Multimedia-Inszenierung 詳細をみる: + Talking Heads & Glowing Facts
J’♥️ MON SMAKY This new exhibition covers a period from the late 60s to the present day, with chapters relayed by the specialist press: a special focus on Marielle Stamm, 詳細をみる: + J’♥️ MON SMAKY
Hodler. A model for Swiss art February 14 to May 25, 2025 To ensure a pleasant visit and reduce your waiting time at the entrance, we recommend that you reserve your ticket on our ONLINE TICKET SERVICE. 詳細をみる: + Hodler. A model for Swiss art