教会 : ヴォー州

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7 Results  
  • ヴォー州立美術館

    1841年、州都であるローザンヌに開館したヴォー州立美術館は、スイス屈指の歴史を誇る美術館のひとつです。 2019年にリュミーヌ宮から旧国鉄の車庫を使った芸術複合センター『プラットフォーム10』に移転。新装オープンした美術館では、ヴォー州にゆかりのある芸術家の作品を中心に1万点を超える芸術作品を収蔵しており、まざまな特別展を開催しています。
    詳細をみる: + ヴォー州立美術館
  • Plateforme 10

    Fine arts, photography and contemporary art brought together in one single spot near Lausanne station, in a cultural area that is unique in Switzerland.
    詳細をみる: + Plateforme 10
  • Ouchy and its Lakeside Promenade

    Life feels wonderfully carefree on the Ouchy lakefront. The vastness of the lake, the generosity of the boulevards, the soothing green of attractive parks and the majestic aura of stately buildings. And it’s no time at all until you find yourself amid such splendor - following a short descent from the station with the vertical m2 metro.
    詳細をみる: + Ouchy and its Lakeside Promenade
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral

    The Old Town of Lausanne has imposing buildings dating back to the Middle Ages, such as the famous Cathedral of Notre-Dame. The charming city on Lake Geneva has a lot to offer otherwise as well. For instance, Switzerland's first subterranean mountain train.
    詳細をみる: + Notre-Dame Cathedral
  • シヨン城

    詳細をみる: + シヨン城
  • The nightwatch

    The bell tower of the Gothic cathedral, high on the hill on which the Old Town is built, is home to the city’s most enigmatic resident.
    詳細をみる: + The nightwatch