
If you're looking for an exclusive event related to wine tasting or gastronomy, then Swiss Riviera Wine Tours can help you! They offer exciting possibilities and customized solutions for your special event needs.

Swiss Riviera Wine Tours has created a spectacular wine tour that will invigorate moral and strengthen the bonds of your group. They integrate fun, educative, and relaxing elements in this tour in order to stimulate the team around this exceptionally unique Lavaux region, called the “Three Suns” – those of the sky, the lake and the walls. Fashioned through the ages by human activity, this territory has become a “constructed” countryside, typical of a winegrowing culture. Vineyards, terraces and villages facing Lake Geneva and the Alps have enabled Lavaux to be considered as a site of universal, exceptional and authentic value.

Japanese, Chinese, Portugese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian with additional fee for translator

Informazioni generali

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
Periodo da
Tutto l'anno
Tempo necessario
Da 2 a 4 ore
Adatto per
Gruppi, Coppie
Al coperto, All’aperto

Informazioni su gruppi e prezzi

Visualizza contenuti Dati tecnici
tedesco, inglese, francese
Dimensione dei gruppi
2 - 200
Prezzo da
CHF 150

Scopri i dintorni


Swiss Riviera Wine Tours Sarl
Chemin de la Vauteyre 2

Telefono  +41 (0)21 965 32 37
Mostra il percorso



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Swiss Riviera Wine Tours Sarl
Chemin de la Vauteyre 2
Telefono  +41 (0)21 965 32 37
Mostra il percorso

Informazioni di viaggio: Montreux

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