Barrier-free accommodation
Barrier-free hotels, youth hostels and holiday apartments, and a selection of accommodation offering height-adjustable beds.
The most helpful overviews of accessible accommodations
- Barrier-free holidays in youth hostels by Swiss Youth Hostels in collaboration with the Denk an mich Foundation
- Barrier-free and conditionally barrier-free vacation apartments from REKA
- Barrier-free hotels search by Switzerland Tourism
- Overview of tourist accommodation filtered by accessibility by HotellerieSuisse (verified and/or self-declared by the hotel)
- Wheelchair-accessible hotels by the Swiss Paraplegics Association
Other helpful addresses
- The Claire & George Foundation offers a selection of the best 100 accessible accommodations – from camping bungalows to holiday homes and 3-5 star hotels.
- Enquiries to Procap (information office for barrier-free travel):