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    Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey AG
    Grubenstrasse 109
    3322 Schönbühl
    Phone  +41 (0)31 850 31 31


The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a unique expedition, which combines the highlights of Switzerland on a journey.




The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a unique expedition, which combines the highlights of Switzerland on a journey.

To really know Switzerland, you need to see it repeatedly from different perspectives. And the "Grand Tour of Switzerland" – a wondrous route that winds through the entirety of Switzerland – offers this very opportunity. It's a route of more than 1600 km along stunning backdrops of natural beauty. Passing alongside lakes and secluded spots, the route offers up stunning vistas from Alpine passes and even takes in the cultural and scenic highlights of eleven of which UNESCO World Heritage Sites and two biospheres.

GToS Guide
The "Grand Tour of Switzerland" Tour Guide, comprising 288 pages describes route highlights, offers recommendations for each of the 25 route sections and points out the top attractions. The Tour Guide comes with a map of Switzerland to a scale of 1:500 000 marked with the Grand Tour route.

The Guide is available under www.swisstravelcenter.ch/guide

GToS Map
The Tour Map for the "Grand Tour of Switzerland” is a map in a scale of 1:275 000 and laminated, and is as special as the "Grand Tour of Switzerland" itself. 44 highlights along the 1600-km route and the most beautiful route sections are specially marked. The map is a small tour guide in itself! Photos and descriptions in four languages (German, French, Italian and English) complement the cartographical information. It's perfect for previewing and reminiscing about the many attractions along the memorable "Grand Tour of Switzerland".

The Map is available under www.swisstravelcenter.ch/map


Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey AG
Grubenstrasse 109
3322 Schönbühl
Phone  +41 (0)31 850 31 31

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