All hikes in Graubünden - Summer

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4 Results found
  • Discovering Heidi’s world

    You can get to know and experience the famous story of Heidi on a hike in Maienfeld – and even walk along the trail with a buggy while being presented with the story of Heidi in a fun way. An experience for the young – and for the young at heart
    Find out more about: + Discovering Heidi’s world
  • Experience the Cabins high above the Chur Rhine Valley

    As with almost every large town Chur naturally has it’s own mountain. In comparison with the hill-like Uetliberg at Zürich, the people of Chur have a really big mountain in front of the town, the Calanda. A three day mountain hike leads from Haldenstein in the Rhine valley up to the Calanda cabin and over the Kunkel pass to the Ringelspitz cabin.
    Find out more about: + Experience the Cabins high above the Chur Rhine Valley