All hikes in Bern Region - Summer

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3 Results found
  • Trift Bridge – a spectacular footbridge

    The Trift Bridge is one of the most spectacular pedestrian suspension bridges in the Alps. At 100m high and 170m long, it is poised above the region of the Trift Glacier, with spectacular views guaranteed for those with a head for heights.
    Find out more about: + Trift Bridge – a spectacular footbridge
  • Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg

    A total of 72 waterfalls gush down into the Lauterbrunnen Valley from the vertical cliff faces, some of which are as high as 400m. The roar and rush of these unique natural spectacles accompanies hikers on this picturesque trail from Lauterbrunnen to Stechelberg.
    Find out more about: + Hike Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg