From the Gothic houses of Fribourg old town along the Schiffenensee, over peaceful, gently-undulating countryside to Murtensee. From medieval Murten over the bold bike bridge into Grosse Moos vegetable country and on to Erlach on the Bielersee.
The cathedral is considered a landmark of Fribourg. The language border is more or less the Saane, or Sarine in French. Students from all over the world congregate in Fribourg, which gives the sometimes fairly sedate city a cosmopolitan panache. Between the Church of Our Lady (Notre-Dame) and the Franciscan Church (“Notre-Franz”), in a former road depot, is the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle. You can admire works and sculptures by the artist couple here. A concentrated helping of culture at the beginning of this stage – this is how it starts off.
A concentrated helping of architecture follows shortly afterwards: the Poya Bridge, named after La Poya Castle, leads across the Saane. It was opened to road traffic in October 2014. The Grandfey Viaduct is much older and just as impressive. It is equally popular with pedestrians, cyclists and train passengers. However, what the latter are denied, the others enjoy to the fullest (without sitting in the full trains!): namely, being shaken all over when a train thunders over the boards above you. Not to be missed: a break in the middle of the legendary “Liebesgrüsse” (love messages) bridge, with a similar view of the Saane and Lake Schiffenen.
In the southernmost corner of the Düdinger Moos, above Lake Schiffenen, lies the Magdalena Hermitage, which is unique in Switzerland. Around 1700, the 120-metre-long hermitage, with rooms such as the chapel and sacristy, was carved by hand into the rock. Incomparable is the mix of industry, agriculture, residential areas and main roads that you experience afterwards. Thanks to good bike paths, the main roads are no problem either. It is also easy to ride over the dam wall at Underriedacher Grubrain. You also go round the fjord-like Lake Schiffenen. There is one field of crops after another. The towns of Cordast, Guschelmuth and Cressier – Saane and Lake Schiffenen are well behind you, and then comes a true Eldorado of detached houses.
Not only is Münchenwiler Castle itself a superb sight, the sweet chestnuts as well as sequoia and maple trees in the castle park are also magnificent. Coffee, cake and wonder are now called for! The beautiful, old town of Murten and of course the “Chablais” are also popular. This is where it is really thrilling for cyclists: in the forests of the bumpy Chablais, birds can be heard in and above the waters. Finally, we cross the Broye Canal, set our sights on the Grosse Moos and head for Ins. Now it is just a short distance to beautiful Erlach, where the Lake Biel passenger ship is waiting to take cyclists on board. What an exciting and varied bike tour!
An enjoyable tour includes the careful planning of the same. Please inform yourself in advance at the local information center about the route and weather conditions. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this route may be blocked or interrupted
Start location |
Destination |
Ascent |
520 m
Descent |
680 m
Distance |
47 km
Distance on tarred ways |
40 km
Distance on natural surface |
7 km
Physical requirements |
More information | |
Quick Facts
Route number