From Langnau, the route leads through the peaceful open countryside of the Emmental. The beautiful scenic vantage points are highlights in this primeval Swiss landscape. The historic old town of Burgdorf is the ideal place to round off this eventful excursion.
The route leads from Langnau via Signau to Walkringen, where numerous farmhouses from the 18th and 19th centuries can be admired. The journey continues effortlessly to Mänziwilegg and ends in Burgdorf. A visit to the historic Old Town of Burgdorf is an ideal conclusion to an eventful day.
An enjoyable tour includes the careful planning of the same. Please inform yourself in advance at the local information center about the route and weather conditions. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this route may be blocked or interrupted
Type |
Start location |
Langnau i.E.
Destination |
Ascent |
1300 m
Descent |
1450 m
Distance |
54 km
Distance on tarred ways |
45 km
Distance on natural surface |
9 km
Physical requirements |
More information | https://www.schweizmobil.ch/en/veloland/etappe99.0... |
Quick Facts
Route number