The perfect dinner. Romans, power and garbage The exhibition takes a look behind the scenes of a Roman banquet and allows visitors to marvel at the wealth of information handed down by the refuse of the time. Find out more about: + The perfect dinner. Romans, power and garbage
Mindscapes In the newly designed sector of Mindscapes, we will be dealing with the largest phenomenon of all: You! Because you are phenomenal. Find out more about: + Mindscapes
Échos Le Musée Barbier-Mueller invite le photographe Jean-Baptiste Huynh, de cette rencontre est né Échos, un échange entre l’univers de l’artiste et les œuvres des collections Barbier-Mueller. Find out more about: + Échos
Swiss biathlon and cross-country skiing championships Swiss Biathlon Championships in Goms: Athletes give their best for the title Find out more about: + Swiss biathlon and cross-country skiing championships
Soleil·s - Solar Biennale 2 From the spring equinox to the autumn equinox of 2025, mudac is hosting the second Solar Biennale with the “Soleil·s” exhibition in the Plateforme 10 district and at EPFL. Find out more about: + Soleil·s - Solar Biennale 2
Sonderausstellung «Allerlei rund ums Ei» Das beschalte Ei ist eine geniale Entwicklung der Natur. Geschützt durch eine feste Hülle und versorgt durch einen reichen Dottervorrat, entwickelt sich der Keim in seiner eigenen, kleinen Welt. Find out more about: + Sonderausstellung «Allerlei rund ums Ei»
Étienne Francey Inspired by the natural world, Étienne Francey uses a variety of photographic devices to distort, color and refract the subjects he captures. Find out more about: + Étienne Francey
Eugenio Schmidhauser. Beyond Malcantone MASI Lugano presents the first museum exhibition devoted to the Ticino photographer Eugenio Schmidhauser (Seon, 1876 - Astano, 1952). Find out more about: + Eugenio Schmidhauser. Beyond Malcantone
The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects An interactive course, mood-enhancing, without prescription and without referral. Find out more about: + The main thing is healthy. An exhibition with side effects
Was bleibt von unseren Booten übrig? Ausstellung zur Dampfschifffahrt auf dem Genfersee. Find out more about: + Was bleibt von unseren Booten übrig?
Wunderkammer - The Display Collection A walk through the new display collection provides insight into current collection activity, modern research methods, and historical collections. Find out more about: + Wunderkammer - The Display Collection
Sport in Focus Collections of the Olympic Museum and Photo Elysée. For over a century, major sporting events have been accompanied by images. Find out more about: + Sport in Focus
Swiss Press Photo 24 <strong>Swiss Press Photo 24 - The best Swiss press photos of 2023</strong> The photographs cast a glance beyond the clamour of current events and reveal the whole of 2023. Find out more about: + Swiss Press Photo 24
Hodler. A model for Swiss art February 14 to May 25, 2025 To ensure a pleasant visit and reduce your waiting time at the entrance, we recommend that you reserve your ticket on our ONLINE TICKET SERVICE. Find out more about: + Hodler. A model for Swiss art
«Ein Hauch von HOLLYWOOD in Pfäffikon» - Ausstellung von Boris Dondè Pop artist Boris Dondè, former professional soccer player for FC Basel (1989-1992), born in Zurich in 1968, presents his "Sparkling Art" at SEEDAMM PLAZA in Pfäffikon SZ. Find out more about: + «Ein Hauch von HOLLYWOOD in Pfäffikon» - Ausstellung von Boris Dondè
Northern Lights Group show with around 80 landscape paintings by artists from Scandinavia and Canada created between 1880 and 1930. Find out more about: + Northern Lights
Explore Mars «Explore Mars», eine von der Cité de l’espace in Toulouse konzipierte Ausstellung, führt Sie auf eine Erkundungsreise des Planeten Mars. Find out more about: + Explore Mars
Nike: Form Follows Motion The exhibition traces the company's rise from a local start-up to a global phenomenon and focuses on Nike's fascinating design history. Find out more about: + Nike: Form Follows Motion
Sharing art. Between public and private universes. Bellinzona and beyond. In 2025, the Cedar Villa Museum celebrates its 40th anniversary! Find out more about: + Sharing art. Between public and private universes. Bellinzona and beyond.
Kakao, Kunst und Kolonialismus. Die Schifffahrtssammlung Philipp Keller Ausstellung über die international bedeutenden Sammlung des Fernhandelskaufmanns von Modellen, Bildern und Dokumenten zur Hochseeschifffahrt. Find out more about: + Kakao, Kunst und Kolonialismus. Die Schifffahrtssammlung Philipp Keller
Macherinnen - Women's History from Burgdorf and the Emmental Valley The new exhibition at the Museum Schloss Burgdorf shows the history of women in the region with a variety of portraits, audio pieces and objects to discover. Find out more about: + Macherinnen - Women's History from Burgdorf and the Emmental Valley
The Key to Dreams. Surrealist Masterworks from the Hersaint Collection The exhibition includes around 50 key works by artists such as Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, René Magritte, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Dorothea Tanning and many others. Find out more about: + The Key to Dreams. Surrealist Masterworks from the Hersaint Collection
The Collection The collection is on permanent display for the first time: some 300 works, from the 18th century to the present make it possible to see here what cannot be found elsewhere! Free admission Find out more about: + The Collection
The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind He's world-famous, yet remains a mystery: Banksy, the Bristol-born painter and graffiti artist famous for defying the boundaries of the art market, whose works have been the talk of the town for Find out more about: + The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind
Levan Chogoshvili Levan Chogoshvili (*1953, lebt und arbeitet in Tbilissi, Georgien) gehört zu den wichtigsten georgischen Künstler:innen seiner Generation. Find out more about: + Levan Chogoshvili
Auf den Spuren eines Meisterwerks: die Bibel von Moutier-Grandval Auf den Spuren eines Meisterwerks: Die Bibel von Moutier-Grandval kommt vom 8. März bis 8. Juni 2025 zurück in den Jura. Find out more about: + Auf den Spuren eines Meisterwerks: die Bibel von Moutier-Grandval
Franz Gertsch. Portraits and nature pieces During this exhibition period, large-format paintings and woodcuts by Franz Gertsch are on display at the Museum Franz Gertsch. Portraits and nature pieces are on display. Find out more about: + Franz Gertsch. Portraits and nature pieces
Freiheit! Anlässlich des Jubiläums 750 Jahre Handfeste von 1273 hat das Museum gemeinsam mit Burgdorfer Chören und Bands eine neue Ausstellung entwickelt. Find out more about: + Freiheit!
Indians & Inuit - Living Worlds of North American Peoples The newly designed permanent exhibition opens windows into the lives of the Indians and Inuit. Find out more about: + Indians & Inuit - Living Worlds of North American Peoples
Innovation in Bewegung - 350 Jahre Spiralfeder Entdecken Sie die neue Ausstellung des MIH, die den Einfallsreichtum von Huygens (1675) beleuchtet. Find out more about: + Innovation in Bewegung - 350 Jahre Spiralfeder
Interfinity Festival The audience will be able to experience world-class music from all genres in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Find out more about: + Interfinity Festival
OSI al LAC On 26 September 2024, the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana, LAC's resident orchestra, opens theOSI season at LAC2024/25, ten evenings of great repertoire between autumn 2024 and spring 2025 with Find out more about: + OSI al LAC
Félix Vallotton. A tribute to 2025 marks the hundredth anniversary of Félix Vallotton's death. Find out more about: + Félix Vallotton. A tribute to
The returning image Invited by the MAH, the "la Caixa" Foundation offers an exploration of contemporary art through the prism of the past with L'image, featuring works by eighteen artists from its collection. Find out more about: + The returning image