Lilu Light Festival Lucerne In January, Lucerne becomes a glowing meeting place: Lucerne Tourism and Lucerne Hotels bring light and warmth to the city during the cold season. Find out more about: + Lilu Light Festival Lucerne
Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile Immerse yourself in the Egypt of yesteryear and experience ancient Egyptian culture with all your senses. Find out more about: + Egypt: 3000 years of advanced civilization on the Nile
Parole Which works to buy and why? The collections reflect the choices made by the scientific team. Discover the choices made by the Ariana Museum team in recent years. Find out more about: + Parole
Lettland und seine Volkstracht 14 Trachten, welche sowohl zeitlich, als auch regional wie kulturell die Vielfalt der lettischen Kultur abbilden. Find out more about: + Lettland und seine Volkstracht
Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun This special exhibition presents the history of Heimberg/Steffisburg ceramics through selected ceramics. Find out more about: + Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun
Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht Die Ausstellung erkundet gemeinsam mit Design- und Kunstschaffenden sowie Architekten die Verbindung zwischen lebenden Organismen und dem zirkadianen (circa diem = ungefähr ein Tag) Rhythmus. Find out more about: + Lighten Up! Im Rhythmus von Tag und Nacht
Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog Barry, the most famous rescue dog in the world, died 200 years ago but remains a legend to this day. Find out more about: + Barry – The legendary St Bernard Dog
History of Switzerland The 1,000-m2 Swiss history exhibition depicts how Switzerland came to be over a period of 550 years. Find out more about: + History of Switzerland
To the nearest femtosecond ! The scholarly quest for accuracy has been at the heart of watchmaking innovation since the 17th century. Find out more about: + To the nearest femtosecond !
«200 Jahre Anatomisches Museum Basel. Eine Zeitreise durch die Jahrhunderte» Eine Reise durch die wechselvolle Geschichte der Anatomie mit ihren Höhen und Tiefen und die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Anatomischen Museums in Basel. Find out more about: + «200 Jahre Anatomisches Museum Basel. Eine Zeitreise durch die Jahrhunderte»
The Collection The collection is on permanent display for the first time: some 300 works, from the 18th century to the present make it possible to see here what cannot be found elsewhere! Free admission Find out more about: + The Collection
The collection From October 2019, the Swiss National Museum’s collections will be presented in the renovated historical west wing of the National Museum Zurich. Find out more about: + The collection
Mindscapes In the newly designed sector of Mindscapes, we will be dealing with the largest phenomenon of all: You! Because you are phenomenal. Find out more about: + Mindscapes
Seife, Sex & Schokolade – Vom Umgang mit den Körpersäften How we smell, what we excrete and how we groom ourselves is something very intimate, personal. Fragrance decides about sympathy and antipathy. Find out more about: + Seife, Sex & Schokolade – Vom Umgang mit den Körpersäften
Simply Zurich The city and canton of Zurich have a long and chequered history. This will be shown in a permanent exhibition at the National Museum. Find out more about: + Simply Zurich
Simply Zurich The city and canton of Zurich have a long and chequered history. This will be shown in a permanent exhibition at the National Museum. Find out more about: + Simply Zurich
The collection of the FIFA Museum The permanent exhibition features more than 1,000 exhibits from the collection, including nostalgic memorabilia, documents and images from the FIFA archives. Find out more about: + The collection of the FIFA Museum
Sonderausstellung «Eiszeit» St. Gallen under a 1000 meter thick ice sheet: unimaginable today, a reality during the Ice Age. The current ice age began 2. Find out more about: + Sonderausstellung «Eiszeit»
Sonderausstellung: Die Briefmarken von Eugen Verling «… dass man sich seiner etwas mehr erinnern würde» Find out more about: + Sonderausstellung: Die Briefmarken von Eugen Verling
Étienne Francey Inspired by the natural world, Étienne Francey uses a variety of photographic devices to distort, color and refract the subjects he captures. Find out more about: + Étienne Francey
Matthew Wong – Vincent van Gogh With his impressive landscape paintings, the Canadian painter and illustrator Matthew Wong (1984 Toronto - 2019 Edmonton), who died young, became a phenomenon shortly before his death. Find out more about: + Matthew Wong – Vincent van Gogh
Forced Fostering State intervention in the lives of people who failed to conform to social standards was once common practice in Switzerland. Find out more about: + Forced Fostering
Fresh Window. Kunst & Schaufenster The histories of window dressing and fine art have been closely interwoven for decades. Find out more about: + Fresh Window. Kunst & Schaufenster
Faire don, une affaire de cœur ou de raison? Qui se cache derrière les œuvres? Découvrez les histoires des donateurs et donatrices. Find out more about: + Faire don, une affaire de cœur ou de raison?
Fadenspiele / String Figures They tell stories, they are a pastime, they make the unspeakable visible, they connect people. Find out more about: + Fadenspiele / String Figures
Fascination archaeology The permanent exhibition in the archaeological department. Find out more about: + Fascination archaeology
Lee Shulman. The Anonymous Project, Home & Away “Home & Away” ist eine fotografische Installation, die aus der Sammlung des “The Anonymous Project” zusammengestellt wurde. Find out more about: + Lee Shulman. The Anonymous Project, Home & Away
La roue = c'est tout. Neue Sammlungspräsentation The growing collection of works by the artist Tinguely will be comprehensively exhibited again in the large hall for the first time since its founding. Find out more about: + La roue = c'est tout. Neue Sammlungspräsentation
Walter Grab. Ein Kind der Nacht Die Wiederentdeckung eines Schweizer Surrealisten Find out more about: + Walter Grab. Ein Kind der Nacht
Water: Designing for the future The exhibition Water shows design concepts from across the globe that have the potential to radically reshape our future. Find out more about: + Water: Designing for the future
Wunderkammer - The Display Collection A walk through the new display collection provides insight into current collection activity, modern research methods, and historical collections. Find out more about: + Wunderkammer - The Display Collection
Tutankhamun - the immersive exhibition experience The immersive exhibition TUTANCHAMUN transports visitors to the fascinating land of pyramids and great mysteries. Find out more about: + Tutankhamun - the immersive exhibition experience