When entering Switzerland, the following goods may be imported duty-free and permit-free (excerpt for travellers residing abroad):

, personal travel goods such as clothes, linen, toiletries, sports equipment, photo, film and video cameras, mobile phones, portable computers, musical instruments and other utensils that travellers residing abroad use and re-export during their stay in Switzerland.

Travel provisions
Ready-to-eat food and non-alcoholic beverages for the day of travel are permitted.

Alcohol and tobacco

  • Alcoholic beverages: From 0.5 % to 18 % Vol. 5 litres; over 18 % vol. 1 litre (alcoholic beverages up to 0.5% vol. are not considered alcoholic beverages)
  • Tobacco products: 250 Pieces/Gram Cigarettes / Cigars / Other Tobacco Brands

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are only allowed to be imported duty-free if they are imported by persons who are at least 17 years old.

Meat and meat products

can be taxed duty-free per person (incl. children) a maximum of 1 kg of fresh meat and meat preparations should be imported once a day (except game, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates).

Cash There are no restrictions on the import and export of cash.

Fuel Fuel that is in the tank of private vehicles is duty-free. Additional fuel (e.g. in reserve canisters) is also free of charge up to a maximum of 25 litres. The allowances are only granted once per vehicle and day.

Further information at: www.bazg.admin.ch