The collection of the FIFA Museum The permanent exhibition features more than 1,000 exhibits from the collection, including nostalgic memorabilia, documents and images from the FIFA archives. Find out more about: + The collection of the FIFA Museum
The Key to Dreams. Surrealist Masterworks from the Hersaint Collection The exhibition includes around 50 key works by artists such as Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, René Magritte, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Dorothea Tanning and many others. Find out more about: + The Key to Dreams. Surrealist Masterworks from the Hersaint Collection
The Collection The collection is on permanent display for the first time: some 300 works, from the 18th century to the present make it possible to see here what cannot be found elsewhere! Free admission Find out more about: + The Collection
The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind He's world-famous, yet remains a mystery: Banksy, the Bristol-born painter and graffiti artist famous for defying the boundaries of the art market, whose works have been the talk of the town for Find out more about: + The Mystery of Banksy - A Genius Mind
Thun-Panorama: Das Rundbild von Marquard Wocher Detailreich wirft dieses Bild einen Blick auf das Thuner Alltagsleben vor 200 Jahren und wird mit den unzähligen Geschichten zu einem Wimmelbild für Gross und Klein. Find out more about: + Thun-Panorama: Das Rundbild von Marquard Wocher
The collection From October 2019, the Swiss National Museum’s collections will be presented in the renovated historical west wing of the National Museum Zurich. Find out more about: + The collection
Carnaval Avenchois The Avenches Karnaval takes the town out of its winter torpor with the Guggenmusik parade. Find out more about: + Carnaval Avenchois
Caspar Wolf - Impressionist avant la lettre Sonderschau mit 12 neuen Ölskizzen. Find out more about: + Caspar Wolf - Impressionist avant la lettre
Chintz. How a Fabric Conquered the World Following the success of the temporary exhibition in 2018, Château de Prangins is creating an entirely new chintz centre comprising the permanent exhibition Chintz. Find out more about: + Chintz. How a Fabric Conquered the World
Daiga Grantina Notes on Kim Lim The exhibition Daiga Grantina. Find out more about: + Daiga Grantina Notes on Kim Lim
TO HEAL A WORLD 160 Jahre Fotografien aus den Sammlungen des Roten Kreuzes und des Roten Halbmondes Find out more about: + TO HEAL A WORLD
Divinum Divinum, die Schweizer Weinmesse, öffnet ihre Türen für die achte Ausgabe. Find out more about: + Divinum
The Kitchen Garden Permanent open air exhibition, the kitchen garden of the Château de Prangins is the largest historical kitchen garden in Switzerland. Find out more about: + The Kitchen Garden
T. rex TRINITY - das Original im Sauriermuseum Aathal Es handelt sich bei diesem Tyrannosaurus rex um den ersten echten, der in einem Schweizer Museum ausgestellt wird. Find out more about: + T. rex TRINITY - das Original im Sauriermuseum Aathal
Treasures of the Petit Palais, Geneva In Spring 2025, the Fondation de l’Hermitage will be hosting a particularly unusual collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces from the Petit Palais, Geneva. Find out more about: + Treasures of the Petit Palais, Geneva
Karl Walser : Une carrière de peintre Célèbre créateur de décors et de costumes de théâtre, membre de la Sécession berlinoise, peintre muraliste sollicité pour les villas cossues et illustrateur de livres d’éditeurs renommés : la Find out more about: + Karl Walser : Une carrière de peintre
Kakao, Kunst und Kolonialismus. Die Schifffahrtssammlung Philipp Keller Ausstellung über die international bedeutenden Sammlung des Fernhandelskaufmanns von Modellen, Bildern und Dokumenten zur Hochseeschifffahrt. Find out more about: + Kakao, Kunst und Kolonialismus. Die Schifffahrtssammlung Philipp Keller
Klassik Festival Arosa - Hermann Hesse in Arosa At the Klassik Festival Arosa you will find a rich selection of musical experiences. Find out more about: + Klassik Festival Arosa - Hermann Hesse in Arosa
The Romans are among us An extensive program on the excavations in the Baden baths. Find out more about: + The Romans are among us
Discovering the Enlightenment Accessible free of charge and at all times, this cultural walk around the site locates the château in the context of the estate, telling its story in the places where it happened. Find out more about: + Discovering the Enlightenment
Destination Wein In seiner neuen Ausstellung hebt das Weinmuseum den Reichtum der Walliser Weinberge hervor und macht sich einen Spass daraus, sie mit anderen Weinbauregionen der Welt zu vergleichen. Find out more about: + Destination Wein
Décors. Masterpieces from the Collections An item of furniture, a decorative object, a wall covering, a lamp: all of them speak volumes about our way of life, our tastes, our values and our occupations. Find out more about: + Décors. Masterpieces from the Collections
Vitromusée Romont – Exhibition – Art of the Groupe de Saint-Luc The Vitromusée Romont present an exhibition devoted to the glass art of the Groupe de Saint-Luc Find out more about: + Vitromusée Romont – Exhibition – Art of the Groupe de Saint-Luc
Vitromusée Romont – Exhibition – (Im)permanence Sebastian Haas. (Im)permanence Find out more about: + Vitromusée Romont – Exhibition – (Im)permanence
Tutankhamun - the immersive exhibition experience The immersive exhibition TUTANCHAMUN transports visitors to the fascinating land of pyramids and great mysteries. Find out more about: + Tutankhamun - the immersive exhibition experience
Tulpenfest Das Tulpenfest 2025 findet vom 28. März bis zum 11. Mai 2025 statt und steht unter dem Motto "Wasser". Find out more about: + Tulpenfest
Tyler Mitchell. Wish This Was Real Regarded as one of American photography’s rising stars, Tyler Mitchell (US, 1995) brings together ten years of work in this exhibition. Find out more about: + Tyler Mitchell. Wish This Was Real
Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun This special exhibition presents the history of Heimberg/Steffisburg ceramics through selected ceramics. Find out more about: + Bewahrte Schätze - Einblicke in die Keramiksammlung der Stiftung Schloss Thun
Janis Polar – «Antarctic Archives» In Antarctic Archives, Janis Polar examines how Antarctica is constructed as the "last unspoilt natural frontier" - and then breaks with this image. Find out more about: + Janis Polar – «Antarctic Archives»
Jewish religion, migration and emancipation What is Judaism today? Find out more about: + Jewish religion, migration and emancipation
Jeune Chopin Music Festival - with Martha Argerich & Mischa Maisky The Frédéric Chopin Institute in Switzerland is organizing the fourth edition of the International Competition for Young Chopin Pianists in Lugano. Find out more about: + Jeune Chopin Music Festival - with Martha Argerich & Mischa Maisky
In den Lager. Archäologie des Eingesperrtseins Mit der Präsentation von 650 Objekten, die bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen in verschiedenen Lagern in Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen ans Tageslicht kamen, konfrontiert uns die neue Ausstellung Find out more about: + In den Lager. Archäologie des Eingesperrtseins
Innovation in Bewegung - 350 Jahre Spiralfeder Entdecken Sie die neue Ausstellung des MIH, die den Einfallsreichtum von Huygens (1675) beleuchtet. Find out more about: + Innovation in Bewegung - 350 Jahre Spiralfeder
Interfinity Festival The audience will be able to experience world-class music from all genres in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Find out more about: + Interfinity Festival