Sattel-Hochstuckli is in the foothills of the Alps in Schwyz, in the heart of Central Switzerland. Here you’ll find the first cable-car in the world to have revolving panoramic gondolas to take passengers up to the family mountain.
Sattel-Hochstuckli at a glance
The village of Sattel is on the road over from Goldau and Schwyz towards Lake Aegeri and the upland valley of the Biber, in the direction of Einsiedeln and Lake Zurich. It was on the territory of Sattel, in the hamlet of Schornen by the Morgarten mountain, that a battle took place on 15 November 1315 between the Habsburgs and the people of Schwyz and their confederates, which went down in history as the “first freedom battle” fought by the Confederation. The Habsburg army was utterly wiped out. Today the Battle of Morgarten is remembered by a memorial on Lake Aegeri and a chapel.