In whey heaven. Bathe in happiness on Alp Turnels.
The healing power of nature is an important part of Swiss wellness: on Alp Turnels above Gstaad, you can bathe in fresh whey after a magical hike.
Alp Turnels, Gstaad
On Alp Turnels, cheese is made according to traditional methods. Visitors can experience this process for themselves. Eating and working alongside the Alpine farmers, this is a chance to learn all about nature and this ancient craft in the mountains.
Welcome to Alp Turnels.
Summer on the Alp
For four decades, Erika and Jakob Zumstein have been setting off at the beginning of July with their cows on the ascent of the steep and enchanted Turnelsbachertal Valley to spend eight weeks living a simple Alpine existence at 1,900m. They spoil their guests with wild strawberry yoghurt, fir honeydew honey and spicy air-dried meat.
Keep viruses at bay for the whole year by eating fresh daisies in spring.
The way to the whey.
Every morning they fill up the big copper vat in their kitchen with the milk from their freshly milked 22 Simmental cows, who are free to graze at their leisure on the juiciest Alpine herbs. 350 to 420 litres per day, enough for three to four wheels of cheese. Also enough milk to fill up the big tub in front of the cow shed with some 300 litres of whey, which is what’s left after making cheese.
Straight from the meadow and into the whey.
“Cleopatra would enjoy this!”
Despite soaking around 20 minutes in whey heated to a temperature in excess of 40°C, you feel cool and the bath is even said to be good for sunburn. Just what you need on a warm Alpine summer’s day.