Hotels in Schangnau Bumbach

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  • Schangnau Bumbach Kemmeriboden-Bad Swiss Quality Hotel 3 Stars

    Find out more about: Kemmeriboden-Bad Swiss Quality Hotel
2 Results found
  • Kemmeriboden-Bad Swiss Quality Hotel

    Kemmeriboden-Bad has been welcoming guests for more than 150 years and hence has a long tradition of hospitality. The hotel was in family hands right from the start. Originally a spa hotel, these days it offers rest and relaxation plus fine dining in a lovingly restored building with every conceivable comfort and a modern infrastructure. In the mean time, it has more than 30 rooms to offer: from doublerooms, to mini-suite, family rooms and multi-bed rooms. Famed throughout the region for its cuisine, the hotel serves creations ranging from the classic to the contemporary made only with fresh produce, most of it sourced locally.
    Find out more about: + Kemmeriboden-Bad Swiss Quality Hotel