All hikes in Lausanne

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  • ViaFrancigena, Stage 4/10

    After Orbe, the ViaFrancigena reaches the medieval town of Romainmôtier with its Cluniac Abbey. You then reach the centre of the world, where one part of the River Nozon flows to the Mediterranean, the other to the North Sea.
    Find out more about: + ViaFrancigena, Stage 4/10
  • ViaJacobi, Stage 17/33

    In Lausanne, the ViaJacobi leads from the Notre Dame Cathedral down the Escaliers du Marché. In Vidy it crosses an idyllic park with Roman ruins and then follows the popular lakeside promenade along Lac Léman to Morges.
    Find out more about: + ViaJacobi, Stage 17/33
  • ViaFrancigena, Stage 5/10

    French poet Gilles described the beauty of the Venoge, the river that this stage follows from Cossonay to Saint-Sulpice, sometimes high up, sometimes beside the water. The pilgrims’ path finally reaches Lac Léman and continues on via the Roman town of Vidy to Lausanne.
    Find out more about: + ViaFrancigena, Stage 5/10
  • Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 26/29

    Wonderful gardens, secluded swimming spots and splendid views over Lake Geneva accompany you on this shoreline hike from Lausanne-Ouchy to Morges. The magnificent promenades in Ouchy and Morges form the start and finish of this refreshing tour.
    Find out more about: + Alpine Panorama Trail, Stage 26/29