All hikes in Laax

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  • Senda Sursilvana, Stage 5/5

    This stage focuses on the fascination of the Flims rock slide. Gain an impression of its dimension from the new vantage platform at Conn. Gold was mined at Calanda, between Tamins and Felsberg, in the 19th century.
    Find out more about: + Senda Sursilvana, Stage 5/5
  • Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 16/19

    Deeply relaxing Flimserwald woods. «Il Spir» viewing platform in Conn. Steep descent to the Val da Mulin valley, over the ancient pilgrim’s path to Laax and the Jakobskapelle. On up to Falera, the megalith arrangement and St. Remigius church with Jakobus painting.
    Find out more about: + Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 16/19