Experiences in Altdorf

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2 Results found
  • Scavenger hunt in Uri: Where's Walterli?

    William Tell's son, Walterli, has gone missing. He should be picking up the birthday cake for his mother, Hedwig, and helping with the decorations for the party. Can the party be saved? We need you to find him!
    Find out more about: + Scavenger hunt in Uri: Where's Walterli?
  • Tatort Tell crime-scene - and experimental search for clues

    The outdoor “Tatort Tell“ game leads through the mountain and lake landscapes of fabled URI - as big and small get closer to national heroes in a playful way - with modern production technology on a journey through Tell’s village of Bürglen, central Altdorf point and famous Tellsplatte on the lake of URI.
    Find out more about: + Tatort Tell crime-scene - and experimental search for clues