All hikes in Winterthur

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  • Züri Oberland-Höhenweg, Stage 1/4

    25-m-high steel observation tower on Eschenberg. Along the Töss embankment to Kollbrunn, a part of Zell, well-known for its nativity play «D' Zäller Wiehnacht» (The Zell Christmas). Over sunny, well-farmed slopes to Hotel Gyrenbad with its historic ambiance.
    Find out more about: + Züri Oberland-Höhenweg, Stage 1/4
  • Züri Oberland-Höhenweg

    The trail leads from Winterthur through a beautiful pre-Alpine hiking area with rugged valleys, lakes and ridges with wonderful views, crowned by the highest point in Canton Zurich, the Schnebelhorn, and on to Obersee at Rapperswil with its attractive old town.
    Find out more about: + Züri Oberland-Höhenweg