All hikes in Verbier

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2 Results found
  • Sentier des Chamois

    From La Chaux, the Chamois Path will take you to the heart of the Haut Val de Bagnes nature reserve. Along with meeting mountain goats, chamois and marmots, enjoy the spectacular views of the Combins massif glaciers. After crossing the Termin pass, you walk downward to the Louvie Lac and Fionnay.
    Find out more about: + Sentier des Chamois
  • Chemin des Ruinettes

    Spectacular panoramic views of the Valais Alps await the visitor on the Chemin des Ruinettes path above Verbier. Take the aerial gondola to the Croix-des-Ruinettes top station, where this breath-taking tour begins and ends.
    Find out more about: + Chemin des Ruinettes