All hikes in Saas-Fee

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3 Results found
  • Swiss Tour Monte Rosa, Stage 1/3

    Challenging high-level trail between Saas-Fee and Grächen, extremely exposed in places as it leads through the steep walls of the Balfrin group. Dizzying views deep into the Saastal, enthralling views of the Fletschhorn, Lagginhorn and Weissmies.
    Find out more about: + Swiss Tour Monte Rosa, Stage 1/3
  • Swiss Tour Monte Rosa

    Powerful combination: the Balfrin high-level trail from Saas-Fee to Grächen and the Europaweg trail from Grächen to Zermatt form the «Swiss Tour Monte Rosa». Three-day panoramic hike with stunning views of the icy 4000-m mountains of Saastal and Mattertal.
    Find out more about: + Swiss Tour Monte Rosa