All hikes in Graubünden

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122 Results found
  • Erlebnisweg Glaspass

    The circular trail brings the history of the Heinzenberg landslides to life. With stunning views of Piz Beverin and the Safien valley, various stops along the way offer insight into a unique landscape that has been shaped by both nature and man.
    Find out more about: + Erlebnisweg Glaspass
  • Via Panoramica Val Bregaglia

    A spectacularly scenic high-level trail through the Val Bregaglia. You follow old paths through light mixed forest, over solid granite slabs and always with views of mighty granite spikes touching the sky on the other side of the valley.
    Find out more about: + Via Panoramica Val Bregaglia
  • ViaSpluga

    The ViaSpluga is a culturally historic hiking path which taps the history of the region around the Splügenpass. This direct route from southern Germany to Lombardy has linked the fortunes of the Rhaeto-Romanic, Walser and Lombardy people since the Middle Ages.
    Find out more about: + ViaSpluga
  • Schiesshorn-Weg

    This round tour combines the terms «water» and «mountain» and offers countless beautiful views on Arosa and its surrounding. The trail passes the Altein waterfalls and the Altein lake before making a loop around the Schiesshorn mountain, including the possibility to climb to the peak.
    Find out more about: + Schiesshorn-Weg
  • Via Albula/Bernina, Stage 10/10

    Along the way, the massive curved Brusio viaduct will amaze you. The varied route leads through orchards, chestnut groves and vineyards to Italy. S. Perpetua in Tirano gives an excellent overview of the Mediterranean landscape and the town with its venerable palazzi.
    Find out more about: + Via Albula/Bernina, Stage 10/10
  • Walserweg, Stage 12/19

    Before us lies the romantic Albulatal valley with Filisur. Views down to the Landwasser viaduct, impressive trail through Breitrüfi and Drostobel. Jenisberg, settled by Walser folk, nestles on a terrace. Former ore mine on Silberberg, Walser granaries in Monstein.
    Find out more about: + Walserweg, Stage 12/19
  • Senda Segantini, Stage 1/4

    Right at the start, the route in Savognin leads past the former residence of the artist family. Impressive views across Sur open out along the high-level trail to the high plateau of Alp Fix, one of Europe's most important high moorlands.
    Find out more about: + Senda Segantini, Stage 1/4
  • Walserweg, Stage 10/19

    The Walser people carried salt and flour from Juf over the Stallerberg. Rock in plenty at the Flüeseen lakes, majestic the Piz Platta, Alpine the descent into Val Faller. Tga and Alp Flix: former Walser settlements – today oases for flora and fauna in the middle of Parc Ela.
    Find out more about: + Walserweg, Stage 10/19
  • Senda Segantini, Stage 3/4

    Those following the Sentiero Segantini (Segantini Path) in Maloja will pass all points related to the artist. The section then leads alongside the Engadin lakes towards St. Moritz and there directly to the Segantini Museum. It finally runs through the Stazerwald forest to Pontresina.
    Find out more about: + Senda Segantini, Stage 3/4
  • Via Albula/Bernina, Stage 8/10

    After the white glacier waters of Lago Bianco, the route leads up to the fantastic vantage point of Sassal Mason with views of Piz Palü, its glacier seeming almost close enough to touch, the heart-shaped Lagh da Palü, Alp Grüm and Val Poschiavo. The peaceful high valley of Cavaglia below offers an invitation to linger.
    Find out more about: + Via Albula/Bernina, Stage 8/10
  • Hexenplatte-Weg

    The Hexenplatte, (Witches' Stone), is a flat rock in the middle of a meadow on the Alp Caschlé. Legend has it that it was brought to Caschlé from the opposite side of the valley, suspended from the thread of a spider's web, and that witches once danced upon it.
    Find out more about: + Hexenplatte-Weg
  • Senda Ils Lejins

    Be ready to be impressed by the unique high Alpine lakes and flora of the Upper Engadin on this 2.5-hour circular hike to the six lejins (Romansch word for small lakes). Each of the crystal-clear mountain lakes contains the minerals and rocks after which they are named.
    Find out more about: + Senda Ils Lejins
  • Via Alpina, Stage 3/20

    The eight-hour hike from Weisstannen in St. Gallen to Elm, in the canton of Glarus, offers you magnificent views of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and Tectonic Arena of Sardona.
    Find out more about: + Via Alpina, Stage 3/20
  • Walserweg, Stage 3/19

    Traditional and modern - wood and Valais quartzite shape the villagescape of Vals. View of the settlement of Leis below the Piz Aul. Lime kilns, turquoise pools at Alp Tomül. Views into the Safiental valley to Wisshorn and the Pizzas d'Anarosa.
    Find out more about: + Walserweg, Stage 3/19
  • Nationalpark-Panoramaweg

    The Nationalpark- Panoramaweg lets you venture through a variety of fascinating landscapes, while at the same time providing an insight into three differing cultural regions. Actually a hike through an international park.
    Find out more about: + Nationalpark-Panoramaweg
  • Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 7/19

    Elaborately decorated church in Lavin; Inn, wood-bridge crossing to the peaceful woods and meadows by Susch – and the famous Foura Baldirun forest area. Foura Baldirun made history as a place of refuge in the war years, and Güstizia as a place of justice. Stately Zernez is just in the distance.
    Find out more about: + Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 7/19
  • Via Calanca

    At times typically alpine, at times almost Mediterranean: an unexpectedly diverse landscape awaits visitors to the Calanca Valley. While hiking through chestnut forests and hamlets, one can learn about the settlement history of the region, which has managed to preserve its originality.
    Find out more about: + Via Calanca
  • Walserweg, Stage 19/19

    Walser people settled early in Partnun, below the Schijenflue, as they did in Gafiatal. Today an alp area with typical timber houses in the middle of the Rätikonmassiv - an outdoor eldorado. Schweizertor: Alpine crossing to Brand (A), where the first Walsers settled in the 14th century.
    Find out more about: + Walserweg, Stage 19/19
  • Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 5/19

    Schmelzra and its old furnace ruins follow after S-charl. Then onwards to the turn into the Val Mingèr valley, through the mixed woods along Clemgia, descent through the Clemgia ravine, and on to the Inn district of the resort Scuol. (Previously know as Bad Scuol or Schuls).
    Find out more about: + Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 5/19
  • Via Capricorn

    Starting point and destination of this 48km hiking loop is Wergenstein. For three days one is not only close to pristine flora, but also to a rich fauna: the Safien-Rheinwald region between Piz Beverin and Alp Alperschäli is populated by a large ibex colony with 380 animals. If you are lucky, you can observe male and female ibex and their young.
    Find out more about: + Via Capricorn
  • Senda Scuol–Samnaun, Stage 2/2

    Scree slopes and a detour to Austria are the hallmark of the upper section of this stage. You then reach duty-free Swiss soil and descend through a varied landscape with glacier residue, waterfalls and meadows to Samnaun.
    Find out more about: + Senda Scuol–Samnaun, Stage 2/2
  • Flaz Uferweg

    The route from Pontresina alongside the River Flaz to Beve is a real treat for the eyes. Surrounded by the majestic Engadin mountains and the wide, flower-filled valley, you follow alongside gently murmuring waters.
    Find out more about: + Flaz Uferweg
  • ViaSett

    Cross the Septimer on foot, from one Alpine town to another: the route runs from Chur through the Churwalden Valley, Lenzerheide, Surses in Parc Ela and Bregaglia to Chiavenna (Italy). Explore three linguistic and cultural regions and a diverse cultural landscape – from pastures to chestnut groves.
    Find out more about: + ViaSett
  • Furner Rundweg

    The hike offers an insight into a typical region once settled by the Walser people, with Furna, a dispersed settlement high above the Prättigau and its scattered homesteads, agriculture and forestry, and the Fadeuer as a rewarding panoramic mountain summit.
    Find out more about: + Furner Rundweg
  • ViaValtellina, Stage 7/8

    Through mountain forests, across upland pastures and along smugglers’ paths high above the Val Poschiavo from San Romerio via Viano to Italian Roncaiola. Descent through vineyards to Tirano. Appealing Alpine town with an eventful history and southern charm.
    Find out more about: + ViaValtellina, Stage 7/8
  • Silvretta Gletscherlehrpfad

    Stunning glacier landscapes, wonderful views, and a wealth of information about the history of glaciers and how they are formed. The Silvretta Glacier Trail, which opened in 2007, is packed full of great experiences for adults and children alike.
    Find out more about: + Silvretta Gletscherlehrpfad
  • Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 4/19

    The God da Tamangur ("the wood at the back") is the highest continuous area of stone pine forest in Europe. It is located at around 2300 m, right at the end of the S-charl valley, south of Scuol.
    Find out more about: + Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 4/19
  • Aroser-Weisshorn-Weg

    This half-day trip will be heavily rewarded with a fantastic 360° mountain panorama view on the Weisshorn peak. Nonetheless, you should not underestimate the steep ascent and descent to and from the peak. During the summer season, various huts invite you to take a break along the way.
    Find out more about: + Aroser-Weisshorn-Weg
  • Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 8/19

    Over the valley slopes to Oberengadin - and Brail with its ornate small church; the Ober and Unterengadin border by «Punt Ota» and old customs house (later to become a parsonage and then school) with inscription: «Veglia chesa da scuola.» Pretty Cinuos-chel village centre by the church.
    Find out more about: + Jakobsweg Graubünden, Stage 8/19