Family experiences in Lucerne

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11 Results found
  • Golf in the Lake Lucerne region

    Central Switzerland attracts visitors with a wealth of historic landmarks and the beauty of its natural landscapes. Not forgetting Lucerne and the renowned "Kappellbrücke" chapel bridge.
    Find out more about: + Golf in the Lake Lucerne region
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne

    In the Lucerne region, the scavenger hunt is available in and around the city of Lucerne, in Weggis-Vitznau, on the Klewenalp, and between Sarnen and Stansstad. The city of light and its surroundings attract not only tourists, but foxes too. Crack codes in the old town, solve puzzles in the surrounding area or decipher clues while surrounded by beautiful panoramic mountain views – there’s no chance of boredom here.
    Find out more about: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in and around Lucerne
  • Musegg Wall

    The Water Tower, Chapel Bridge and Musegg Wall dominate the historical skyline of the city of Lucerne. However, the best view of the lake basin can be enjoyed from the path that runs along the Musegg Wall.
    Find out more about: + Musegg Wall
  • Steamship adventure for the whole family

    Take a ride on a nostalgic paddle steamer across Lake Lucerne with its beautiful landscape, marvel at villas and castles, discover culinary specialities or enjoy a hearty breakfast: the possibilities are endless when you embark from Lucerne.
    Find out more about: + Steamship adventure for the whole family
  • Seebad

    The Seebad lakeside baths offer perfect seasonal bathing pleasure in the heart of the city of Lucerne. It is open for swimmers until 8 p.m. in summer, after which it is dedicated to restaurant-goers for the rest of the evening. As well as bathing, swimming, and sunbathing, massage and yoga are also available.
    Find out more about: + Seebad