Experiences in Winterthur

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19 Results found
  • Museum Park Oskar Reinhart “Am Römerholz”

    Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life for a short while and enjoy a picnic in the museum garden of the Oskar Reinhart “Am Römerholz” collection. Stately chestnut trees and outdoor sculptures are scattered throughout the verdant park, making it the perfect spot to slow down and recharge.
    Find out more about: + Museum Park Oskar Reinhart “Am Römerholz”
  • Hegi Castle

    The former moated castle was the tranquil residence of noble families for many centuries. If you’d like to visit the castle today, you can do so as part of a museum tour.
    Find out more about: + Hegi Castle
  • Nature Park Bruderhaus

    At the Nature Park Bruderhaus you can look at stags in the wild instead of seeing them in a painting on the livingroom wall. About 80 animals live here in large enclosures that are adapted to their needs.
    Find out more about: + Nature Park Bruderhaus
  • Eulach tour

    Although Winterthur is also referred to as the Eulachstadt, little can be seen of the city's stream. For the most part the Eulach stream was banished underground - this is exactly where our tour takes you. Does our drinking water also come from the Eulach? Here you will find out.
    Find out more about: + Eulach tour
  • City Park

    This elegant city park with its majestic trees, carefully placed sculptures and beautifully cultivated flowers acts as a green lung in the centre of the city.
    Find out more about: + City Park
  • Rose Garden

    Each year, there are some 2,900 roses, of which there are 300 varieties, blooming in Winterthur’s Rose Garden. These also include rare and historic roses such as the French rose, which is the oldest cultivated species still available today, or the deep-pink Queen of Denmark rose. Aside from all the flowers that are in bloom, you’ll also find a place of relaxation here, and glorious views over the city of Winterthur.
    Find out more about: + Rose Garden
  • Swiss Science Center Technorama

    A hands-on experience! The Technorama is one of the largest science centres in Europe, presenting a unique variety of experiments with almost limitless opportunities to experience science in a playful and educational way.
    Find out more about: + Swiss Science Center Technorama
  • Kunstmuseum Winterthur

    The Art Museum Winterthur possesses one of the most beautiful modern art collections in Switzerland. But artistic works don’t come to a halt here - as the building constructed in 1995 by the Zurich-based architects Gigon & Guyer makes the hearts of even less passionate art lovers beat faster.
    Find out more about: + Kunstmuseum Winterthur
  • Schützenweiher

    The pond with a belt of reeds in the north of Winterthur is a perfect place to take a stroll, relax, play, or simply watch the world go by. Around the pond itself, you can watch the various bird species and admire the giant water lilies growing in the pond. Swimming is not permitted, however, due to its murky waters and dangerous depths.
    Find out more about: + Schützenweiher