Spinning course Spinning course on the hand spindle and spinning wheel / adults CHF 80 / Biosfera partner hotels -50% Find out more about: + Spinning course
In person: The Sisters of St. John and their favorite objects Exhibition In persona: The Sisters of St. Johann and their favorite objects Find out more about: + In person: The Sisters of St. John and their favorite objects
INSIDE LIFE. The baroque nuns' cells INSIDE LIFE. The baroque nuns' cells Find out more about: + INSIDE LIFE. The baroque nuns' cells
Romanisch für Feriengäste Romanisch für Feriengäste. Die Teilnehmenden lernen unsere romanische Sprache und Kultur kennen. Ort/Zeit auf Vereinbarung. Erw. 10.00 (ohne GK 15.00). Anmeldung: Roman Andri, Tel. +41 79 357 20 21. Find out more about: + Romanisch für Feriengäste
Routes to and from Müstair Routes to and from Müstair Find out more about: + Routes to and from Müstair
Schau-Stall Schau-Stall. Erlebnisreicher Besuch für Gross und Klein auf dem Hof von Augustin. Kostenlos / Kollekte. Info & Anmeldung: Augustin Oswald, Tel. 076 563 37 31. Find out more about: + Schau-Stall
Special guided tour in spring Textile tour, guided tour of new exhibitions in the museum Find out more about: + Special guided tour in spring
Culinary spring days at the Chasa Chalavaina Culinary spring days at the Chasa Chalavaina Find out more about: + Culinary spring days at the Chasa Chalavaina
Guided tour of the church and museum at Easter Guided tour of the church and museum at Easter Find out more about: + Guided tour of the church and museum at Easter
Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Easter time Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Easter time Find out more about: + Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Easter time
Concert da prümavaira Musica Concordia Müstair / Spring concert Musica Concordia Müstair is looking forward to presenting you with a varied musical program. Be our guest and enjoy the musical sounds. Find out more about: + Concert da prümavaira Musica Concordia Müstair / Spring concert
5. Netzwerktreffen Kultur Region Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair Netzwerktreffen Kultur Region Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair. Das Treffen bietet Partnern aus dem Kulturbereich eine Plattform zum Kennenlernen und Austausch. Find out more about: + 5. Netzwerktreffen Kultur Region Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair
Führung im archäologischen Archiv Schaulager, Flechtsteinwerke, Metall-, Keramik-, Knochen- und Steinobjekte von der Bronzezeit Find out more about: + Führung im archäologischen Archiv
Free admission for locals Free admission to the museum for locals Find out more about: + Free admission for locals
61. Calvenschiessen 61. Calvenschiessen. Mit grosser Freude dürfen wir alle Schützinnen und Schützen im Val Müstair GR einladen. Schiessstand, Müstair. Info: info@calven-schiessen.ch Find out more about: + 61. Calvenschiessen
Führung Kirche und Klostermuseum zu Auffahrt Führung Kirche und Klostermuseum zu Auffahrt Find out more about: + Führung Kirche und Klostermuseum zu Auffahrt
Guided tour of the Archaeological Archive on Ascension Day Archaeological treasures! Unicorn-dragon paw cross Find out more about: + Guided tour of the Archaeological Archive on Ascension Day
Führung Heiligkreuzkapelle zu Auffahrt Führung Heiligkreuzkapelle zu Auffahrt Find out more about: + Führung Heiligkreuzkapelle zu Auffahrt
Guided tour of the church and monastery museum at Pentecost Guided tour of the church and monastery museum at Pentecost Find out more about: + Guided tour of the church and monastery museum at Pentecost
Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Pentecost Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Pentecost Find out more about: + Guided tour of the Holy Cross Chapel at Pentecost
Guided tour of the church and monastery museum Monastery church, murals, art treasures of the Benedictine nuns Find out more about: + Guided tour of the church and monastery museum
Guided tour of the Corpus Christi Archaeological Archive Ceramic, bone and stone objects from the Bronze Age to the 19th century. Find out more about: + Guided tour of the Corpus Christi Archaeological Archive
Guided tour of the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Corpus Christi Paint and whitewash layers, murals Find out more about: + Guided tour of the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Corpus Christi
PIA WILLI.Art and convent PIA WILLI. Art and convent Find out more about: + PIA WILLI.Art and convent
PIA WILLI.Art and convent Exhibition, PIA WILLI.Art and convent Find out more about: + PIA WILLI.Art and convent
Not dals Museums - Museum Night Val Müstair On Saturday, August 2, 2025, the Museum Night will take place for the second time. The museums Chasa Jaura, Muglin Mall, Museum 14/18 and Kloster St. Johann open their doors with a joint program. Find out more about: + Not dals Museums - Museum Night Val Müstair
Plazza da ballapè Plazzöl Müstair traditionelles Fussball-Grümpelturnier für Kinder organisiert vom Club da ballapè Val Müstair Find out more about: + Plazza da ballapè Plazzöl Müstair
Misteri Müstair III The 3rd edition of the "Misteri Müstair" concert series in the monastery church in Müstair also promises a top-class program. Find out more about: + Misteri Müstair III
Kulinarische Wildtage in der Chasa Chalavaina SAVE THE DATE - WEITERE INFOS FOLGEN, ANMELDUNG ERFORDERLICH Find out more about: + Kulinarische Wildtage in der Chasa Chalavaina
New Year's brunch Every year on January 1st, we at Hotel Helvetia invite our guests, locals, vacationers and friends to the traditional January 1st brunch at Hotel Helvetia. Find out more about: + New Year's brunch